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The power to externalize anything from one's own inner world . Sub-power of Inner World Manipulation. Technique of Inner World. Variation of Inner Power. Opposite to Inner World Internalization.

Also Called[]

  • Inner Domain/Sanctum/Zone/Dimension Externalization
  • Wonderland Externalization (Tulpamancy)
  • Domain Expansion (Jujutsu Kaisen)


The user externalizes one's own inner world outside of them; capable of materializing it into an actual environment that can be a part of the "outside reality" as a perfect haven for the user. Users can design their externalized inner worlds, including the nature of its existence as they can make a new reality that encompass or overlaps a whole area as an internal expansion of the user.

Users who can externalizes their inner worlds have complete control over the expended environment of those worlds including the beings created there, as the externalized domain is a part of the user. With user's inner worlds externalize, they can have powerful influence and control over the outer world because their inner world is a part of it.

High level users can externalizes the entirety of the inner world into the outer world completely, making them the supreme deities of the outer worlds, truly as powerful as they are within their worlds in the outer world as everything becomes an extension of user inner domain, either by filtering/overwriting existing realities or by filling an empty void creating a new universe/multiverse bound to the user completely.

Users who’s inner worlds are limitless have the raw potential to expand their world in an entire universe or multiverse flawlessly and harmoniously, having absolute supremacy over both the inner world and outer world as if they were one and the same, capable of redefining anything and everything they see fit as much as they can absorb outer worlds in the inner world so they can be part of that same dimension or even separate them entirely as if it never happen.






  • Exit Negation may prevent inner worlds from exiting.
  • Certain objects within the inner world may be immune to being brought out.
  • May only be able to do this in a certain place or time.
  • May lose lordship of their inner world once outside.

Known Users[]

Known Powers[]

  • Reality Marble (Tsukihime, Fate/stay night, Fate/zero Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Extra and Fate/Grand Order)
  • Domain Expansion (Jujutsu Kaisen)

