Superpower Wiki

The power to take on the traits of a vampiric monster. Variation of Monster Physiology. Not to be confused with Vampire Physiology

Also Called[]

  • Vampiric Monster Physiology


Users of this ability are either a member of a vampiric monster type or can mimic them. These kinds of creatures vary wildly from region to region but share the common trait of feeding on human and/or animal blood - often in fiction this can extend to other sapient races.

Hematophagic Monsters overlap with Anthrophagist Monsters but the key difference is that Hematophagic (as their name suggests) are primarily blood-suckers and while some of them also devour meat they are not exclusively cannibalistic in nature.

Cultures across the world have imagined all manner of vampiric monsters, many of which are very alien and disturbing - while the Western world often views vampiric beings as undead this is not the case for all of them and indeed many famous examples (such as the chupacabra) are considered very much living creatures.

While not applicable to all of the many vampiric monsters a great many of them are also linked to sickness and death, often seen as tormenting the sick and dying as a kind of supernatural scavenger - thus while many of them are cunning predators even more of them exist as opportunist thieves and a great many traditions have been created across the world to try and protect the vulnerable, who are seen as favored target for such beings.





  • Anthropophagist Monster Physiology; (monsters born of cannibalism, as such as closely linked to the blood-sucking monsters (especially if they drink the blood of their own kind)).


  • Vulnerable to Monster Slayers (especially Vampire Slayers, since all of these creatures are a type of vampire).
  • Often limited by an impulsive nature, seeking out blood and endangering themselves or others in the process with difficulty controlling said impulses, especially when they have not fed for some time (this is not a shared limitation and only applies to some individuals, others are far more in control and fully capable of knowing what they are doing (though like all creatures impulse will lower when desperate or starving).
  • Each individual subspecies has their own unique weakness and limitation.
  • If the monstrous state is caused by a cursed state users who are immune to curses are highly resistance (if not fully immune) to becoming such things, curse may also be removed (or prevented from spreading) by certain mystics or occult means.
  • Monstrous states caused by mutation, viruses or other infections or biological ailments may be countered by beings resistance to infections or mutations, may also be cured (or prevented from spreading) by extremely advanced medicine or science.

Known Users[]

  • Vampires (European Folklore)
  • Redcaps (Scottish Folklore)
  • Chupacabra (South American Folklore)
  • Yara ma yha who (Australian Folklore)
  • Jubokko (Japanese Folklore)
  • Papinijuwari (Australian Folklore)
  • Chordeva (Indian Folklore)
  • Nobusuma (Japanese Folklore)
  • Sasabonsam (African Folklore)
  • Baobhan Sith (Scottish Folklore)
  • Chiropterans (Blood+)
  • Cainite Vampires (Vampire: The Masquerade)
  • Vampires (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Pillar Men (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency)

