The power to create pathways to hell. Sub-power of Afterlife Border. Opposite of Heaven Gate. Variation of Portal Creation. Not to be confused with Underworld Path.
Also Called[]
- Hell/Netherworld Gate/Pathway/Portal Creation/Generation
- Portal to Hell
Fiction-Specific Terms[]
- Second Death (Faith: The Unholy Trinity)
The user can open a gateway to Hell, either to travel into or back from the realm in question, drag the damned into eternal torment, or allow the demons that reside in Hell a path to the other side of the gate.
- Damnation via throwing someone through the gate and into Hell.
- Demon Summoning via allowing the demons to come through the gate.
- Dimensional Travel to and from Hell.
- Portal Creation
- The user may not be able to close the gates they open.
- Opening such a path may release demons and unknown entities into the realm the user opened the path in.
Known Users[]
- Umbran Witches/Lumen Sages (Bayonetta)
- Hell Devil (Chainsaw Man)
- Lucifer (Dante's Inferno)
- Eternal Order of the Second Death (Faith: The Unholy Trinity)
- Kikyo (InuYasha)
- So'unga (InuYasha)
- Hanzo Hazashi/Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
- Quan Chi (Mortal Kombat)
- Kumoko (So I'm a Spider, So What) via Heretic Magic
- God (Supernatural)
- Jack Kline (Supernatural)
- Whale King Moon (Toriko)
Known Objects[]
- Gabriel's Horn (All Dogs Go to Heaven 2)
- Behelits (Berserk)
- Lament Configuration (Hellraiser)
- The Colt (Supernatural)
- Demon Tablet (Supernatural)