Superpower Wiki
"And the idea that it has anything to do with Rick is laughable! I’d laugh but I’m biologically incapable, that’s how alien I am!"
― Blim Blam the korblok (Rick and Morty)

The power to be completely unharmed by gags and jokes. Variation of Power Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Joke Invulnerability/Durability/Cancellation/Imperviousness/Insulation/Nullification/Proof/Protection/Tolerance
  • Gag-Proof
  • Joke-Immunity/Proof/Proffness
  • Straight Face/The Cringe (Internet Slang)
  • Joke Incomprehension
  • Gag Incomprehension
  • Unlaughable/unlaughability


User is immune to gags and jokes, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.



  • May be unable to get a joke or laugh.

Known Users[]

  • Melvin Sneedly (Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie)
  • Beerus (Dragon Ball Series)
  • Yuuichiro Hanma (Baki the Grappler)
  • Yuujiro Hanma (Baki the Grappler)
  • Albert (Johnny Test)
  • Torpedo Girl (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)