The ability to release/use chi for various attacks. Sub-power of Chi Manipulation. Variation of Energy Attacks and Life-Force Attacks. Opposite of Chi Defense.
Also Called[]
- Ki/Qi Attacks/Projection/Techniques
The user can release/use chi attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
- Chi Ball Projection: Create and launch spheres of chi.
- Chi Beam Emission: Release beams of chi.
- Chi Blast: Release chi over a specific target area.
- Chi Bolt Projection: Release low powered projectiles of chi.
- Chi Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of chi.
- Chi Breath: Discharge chi blasts from mouth.
- Chi Bullet Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area.
- Chi Burst: Create a burst of chi.
- Chi Cutting: Uses chi to cut opponents.
- Chi Impale: Uses Chi to impale opponents.
- Chi Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weapon) with chi.
- Chi Pillar Projection: Project chi pillars.
- Chi Vision: Emit chi from one's eyes.
- Expanding Chi Bolts: Project chi that expands rapidly on contact with an object.
- Formulated Chi Blasts: Release blasts of chi in a form of a creature or object.
- Finger Blast: Release chi blast from fingers.
- Foot Blast: Release chi blast from foots.
- Hand Blasts: Release chi blasts from hands.
- Hidden Attacks: Channel attacks through a medium.
- Chi Spike Projection: Project chi spikes.
- Chi Vortex Creation: Create spiral/vortex of chi.
- Chi Wave Emission: Send out a wave of chi that repels everything.
- Missile Generation: Create missiles of chi.
- Omnidirectional Chi Waves: Send out a wave of chi in all directions.
- Reflective Attacks: Release attacks of chi that can bounce off of any surface.
- Scatter Shot: Release chi blasts that split into multiple fragments.
- Sword Beam Emission: Release chi blasts from swords and other such bladed weapons.
- Wave Motion Blast: Launch a massive wave of chi.
- Zap: A tiny, short release of chi to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.
- Attack Powers
- Chi Augmentation
- Chi Manipulation
- Chi Projection
- Force-Field Generation
- Life-Force Attacks
- Projectile Enhancement
- Solidification
- Overuse could exhaust/injure the user.
- May take time to build up chi for attack.
- May require martial arts training.
- Users may not be immune to effects of own blast.
- Firing may be involuntary reaction or released in constant stream.
- Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.
- Chi Absorption could negate power.
Known Users[]
- Akatsuki Ousawa (Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero)
- Various Ki Users (Dragon Ball series)
- Various Tōki Users (Fist of the North Star)
- Ki Users (History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
- Lee Jaha (Return of the Mad Demon)
- Uncle Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Daolon Wong (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Various Characters (The King of Fighters)
- Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)
- Po (Kung Fu Panda)
- Shen, The Eye of Twilight (League of Legends)
- Bride of Nine Spiders (Marvel Comics)
- Fat Cobra (Marvel Comics)
- Daniel Rand/Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)
- Mandarin (Marvel Comics)
- Victor Alvarez/Power Man (Marvel Comics)
- Grandmaster level Martial Artists (Nano Machine)
- Kū Fei (Negima!)
- Setsuna Sakurazaki (Negima!)
- Takamichi T. Takahata (Negima!)
- Cho Hakkai (Saiyuki)
- Various Ki Users (Street Fighter series)
- Hong Meiling (Touhou Project)
- Xing Bairong (Witch Hunter)
- Master Monk Guan (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball series) can channel his ki into a single point into his signature Kamehameha...
...and gather huge amounts of ki from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects into Spirit Bomb, a massive energy sphere of destructive power.