- " His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. God's sovereignty reigns above all"
- ― 2 Peter 1:3
The power to manipulate context, objects, or concepts that have been deemed godly or almighty. Sub-power of Divinity. Variation of Spiritual Force Manipulation and Transcendent Force Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Divine/Godly Power/Force/Energy Manipulation
- Power of Divinity
- The Power of God/The Power of The Gods
- Divine Magic (DC Extended Universe)
- Theotēkinesis
The user has control of anything that is divine. They are able to manipulate divine objects and relics that are connected to the gods or divine power. With this, the user is completely considered worthy of spiritual respect, allowing them to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by mere mortals.
- All Angelic Powers, Divine Powers, Holy Powers, & Supernatural Powers.
- Angelic Force Manipulation (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Apocalyptic Force Manipulation (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Blessed Energy Manipulation
- Cursed Energy Manipulation (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Conceptual Force Manipulation
- Demonic Force Manipulation (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Divine Adaptation
- Divine Assistance
- Divine Arts
- Divine Attacks
- Divine Aura
- Angelic Aura (Varies, Light and Angelic Divinities only)
- Demonic Aura (Varies, Dark and Demonic Divinities only)
- Divine Presence
- Divine Banishment
- Divine Communication
- Divine Empowerment
- Divine Environment Manipulation
- Divine Magic
- Almighty Magic (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Angelic Magic (Varies, Light and Angelic Divinities only)
- Aether Magic
- Animancy
- Blessing Magic
- Celestial Magic
- Cosmic Magic
- Chaos Magic
- Demonic Magic (Varies, Dark and Demonic Divinities only
- Endless Magic
- Ethereal Magic
- Life and Death Magic
- Meta Magic (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Mysticism
- Nether Magic
- Necromancy
- Order Magic
- Omni-Magic
- Transcendent Magic
- Ultimate Alchemy
- White and Dark Magic
- Divine Object Manipulation
- Divine Power Link
- Divine Power Manipulation
- Divine Protection
- Divine Psionics
- Divine Territory
- Dark Power
- Entity Manipulation (Varies; only achieved by higher divine entities)
- Esoteric Force Manipulation
- Existence Manipulation
- Exorcism
- God Hand
- Healing/Divine Healing
- Holy Voice
- Light Power
- Meta Miracle Manipulation
- Primordial Force Manipulation (Varies between Divine Entities)
- Peace and War Manipulation
- Prayer Casting
- Reality Warping
- Sacred Energy Manipulation
- Sin and Virtue Manipulation (varies)
- Transcendent Force Manipulation
- Absolute Force Manipulation (varies)
- Benefic Force Manipulation (Varies, Light and Angel Divinities only)
- Dark Force Manipulation
- Death-Force Manipulation
- Life-Force Manipulation
- Light Force Manipulation
- Malefic Force Manipulation (Varies, Dark and Demonic Divinities only)
- Negative Forces Manipulation (Varies, Dark and Demonic Divinities only)
- Positive Forces Manipulation (Varies, Light and Angel Divinities only)
- Spiritual Force Manipulation
- Supernatural Force Manipulation
- Transcendent Physiology
- Divinity (possessed by all types of divinities at varying levels.)
- Ultimate Force Manipulation
- Divine-Demonic Force Manipulation (By mixing divine and demonic forces)
- May be weak against those with Demonic Force Manipulation.
- May be easily affected by one's own Darkside View point.
Known Users[]
- Ikkou Satonaka (Ah My Buddha!)
- Lumen Sages (Bayonetta)
- God (Abrahamic Religion)
- Jesus Christ (Christianity)
- The Holy Spirit (Christianity)
- Saints (Christianity/Abrahamic Faiths)
- Sons and Daughters of God through divine sonship (Christianity)
- Angels and Archangels (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Dante Alighieri (Dante's Inferno)
- Ryojuro Bardis (Dragoma Inferno)
- Yuji Ryuzaki (Dragoma Inferno)
- Angels (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)
- Palutena (Kid Icarus)
- All Deities (Mythologies)
- Mavis Vermilion (Fairy Tail)
- Sting Eucliffe (Fairy Tail)
- Hoshizora Miyuki/Cure Happy (Smile Pretty Cure)
- Kratos (God of War)
- Radiant (DC Comics)
- The Spectre (DC Comics)
- Oshtur (Marvel Comics)
- Gaia (Marvel Comics)
- Old Gods (DC Extended Universe)
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Athena
- Dechalafrea Ero
- Demeter
- Dionysus
- Hades
- Hephaestus
- Hestia
- Mercury
- Poseidon
- Zeus
- Old Gods hybrids
- Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
- New Gods (DC Extended Universe)
- Darkseid
- Steppenwolf
- DeSaad
- Goddess Clan (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Elizabeth Liones (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Amaterasu (Okami)
- The Man in the Moon (Rise of the Guardians)
- SCP-475 - Pope Rope (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3667 - All's Well that Ends Hell (SCP Foundation)
- The Angel's (Top Cow Comics)
- Dragons (Elder Scrolls)
- Dragonborns (Elder Scrolls)
- Last Dragonborn (Skyrim)
- Tiber Septim (Elder Scrolls)
- Miraak (Skyrim)
- Elysium (Soul series)
- Wielders of Soul Calibur (Soul series)
- Michael (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Angels (High School DxD)
- Michael
- Gabriel
- God of the Bible (High School DxD)
- Vasco Strada (High School DxD)
- Elisabeth Blanche (The King of Fighters series)
- Jack Henry Dappen (Castlevania)
Known Items[]
- Soul Calibur (Soul series)
- True Dragon Sword (Ninja Gaiden series)
- Holy Relic Sacred Gears (Highschool DxD)
- True Longinus/Holy Spear
- Sephiroth Grail/Holy Grail
- Incinerate Anthemn/True Cross
- Alphecca Tyrant/Holy Nail
- Brave Saints (Highschool DxD)
The True Dragon Sword (Ninja Gaiden) was forged from a dragon fang and infused with the souls of the Divine Dragon, granting it immense divine power.