- "I had to pull myself back together. Do you have any idea how hard that is?"
- ― John White/The Beast, Infamous 2
The ability to rebuild oneself after being destroyed. Sub-power of Regenerative Healing Factor. Variation of Resurrection. Opposite to Disassembly, Scattering, and Shattering.
Also Called[]
- Bodily Reconstitution/Reconstruction
- Reassembly
- Reconstitution
- Reconstructing
- Reformation
- Self-Reconstruction/Reformation
The user will reform upon breaking down of the body, completely restoring their body to its former state and reconstructing every piece of their body that was out of place.
- Recover from abilities such as:
- Useless against abilities that leave no trace.
- This ability exists with varying levels, some variants not functioning with "chunks below a certain size."
- May not function against abilities that change the user while also breaking them down.
- Matter Transmutation followed by shattering.
- May not function against baseline Incineration due to being turned to ash.
- Does not necessarily include regeneration beyond "molding the pieces back together."
- Several methods (such as gunshots or stab wounds) will not trigger ability.
- At least one component of the user's body (such as a single cell or molecule) must be intact to trigger this ability.
- Weak against Dissolution.
- Vulnerable to having their pieces forcibly kept apart.
Known Users[]
- Akira (Akira)
- Immortals (Baccano)
- Ichibē Hyōsube (Bleach)
- Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach)
- Guyver Unit Hosts (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I
- Agito Makishima/Guyver III
- Aptom (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Priscilla (Claymore)
- Various Characters (Dragon Ball series)
- August (Fairy Tail)
- Juvia Loxar (Fairy Tail)
- Zeref Dragneel (Fairy Tail); via Fairy Heart
- Homunculi (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Kuro Sakuragawa (In/Spectre)
- Rikka Sakuragawa (In/Spectre)
- Naraku (InuYasha)
- Vampires (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- DIO Brando
- Straizo
- Pillar Men (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
- Wu Tomoki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VIII: JoJolion); via Doctor Wu
- Kaiju (Kaiju No. 8)
- Lumiere (Kiddy Grade)
- Utsuro (Gintama)
- John Nash (Hero Killer)
- Kai Chisaki/Overhaul (My Hero Academia)
- Tailed Beasts (Naruto); if their hosts are killed
- Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation's Reanimated Individuals (Naruto)
- Konan (Naruto)
- Suigetsu Hozuki (Naruto)
- Ice Griffin (The New Gate)
- Logia Devil Fruit Users (One Piece)
- Dopppelman (One Piece)
- Marco (One Piece)
- Charlotte Katakuri (One Piece)
- Boros (One-Punch Man)
- Saffron (Ranma 1/2)
- Soul Eaters (Rising of The Shield Hero)
- Chamot's Fiends (Rokka no Yuusha)
- Kumoko/Shiraori (So I'm a Spider, So What?/Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?)
- Galand (The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Shadow Soldiers (Solo Leveling)
- Ciel (Tsukihime)
- Revival Jam (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Marshmallon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Cloudians (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Mist Body (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Elder Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Rogue (American Dad!); while watching videos
- Goop (Ben 10: Alien Force)
- Swampfire (Ben 10: Alien Force)
- Lodestar (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Bloxx (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Danny Fenton/Phantom (Danny Phantom)
- Bushroot (Darkwing Duck)
- Liquidator (Darkwing Duck)
- Black Lantern Corps (DC Comics)
- Brainiac (DC Comics)
- Darkseid (DC Comics); after gaining the New God Soul Cache
- Doomsday (DC Comics)
- Sanderson "Sandy" Hawkins/Sandman/Sand (DC Comics)
- Patrick "Eel" O'Brian/Plastic Man (DC Comics)
- Lobo (DC Comics)
- Plasmus (DC Comics)
- Plastic Man (DC Comics)
- Shaggy Man (DC Comics)
- Swamp Thing (DC Comics)
- Atlas (Erik Josten)
- Van Kleiss (Generator Rex)
- The Iron Giant (The Iron Giant)
- Tech E. Coyote (Loonatics Unleashed)
- Carl "Crusher" Creel/Absorbing Man (Marvel Comics)
- Nitro (Marvel Comics)
- Sandman (Marvel Comics)
- Man-Thing (Marvel Comics)
- Maestro (Marvel Comics)
- Spidercide (Marvel Comics)
- Shuma-Gorath (Marvel Comics)
- Rockslide (Marvel Comics)
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
- Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel Comics)
- Sir James Jaspers/Mad Jim Jaspers (Marvel Comics)
- Groot (Marvel Comics)
- Quicksand (Marvel Comics)
- R.E.G.I.S. Mark V (Megas XLR)
- Amoeba Boys (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Minions of Set (Samurai Jack)
- Rick Sanchez (Rick & Morty)
- Gems (Steven Universe)
- Madame Rouge (Teen Titans)
- The Darkness (Top Cow)
- Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Tucker Shockley (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Segmentasapiens (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Dracula (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- The Source of All Evil (Charmed)
- Cole Turner (Charmed)
- Whitelighters (Charmed)
- Phoenix Witches (Charmed)
- Kurzon (Charmed)
- Devlin (Charmed)
- Necron (Charmed)
- Kolob (Children of the Dog Star)
- Blackheart/Legion (Ghost Rider)
- Monsters (Goosebumps 2015)
- The Golden Army (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
- Ego (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Flint Marko/Sandman (Spider-Man 3)
- Jeebs (Men In Black)
- Gray Granite (Mighty Med)
- Bones (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Eye Guy (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Mucus (Power Rangers Dino Fury)
- All aliens & Kaiju (Ultraman series)
- The Thing (The Thing)
- Tom Turbo (Tom Turbo); when being hit by a special beam
- Vandal Savage (Legends of Tomorrow)
Video Games/Visual Novels[]
- Zaktan (Bionicle)
- Jenova (Final Fantasy VII series)
- John White/The Beast (inFAMOUS)
- Delsin Rowe (inFAMOUS: Second Son)
- Glacius (Killer Instinct)
- Geras (Mortal Kombat 11)
- Dark Samus (Metroid Prime)
- Gabriel Reyes/Reaper (Overwatch)
- Deoxys (Pokémon)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Crusher (Skylanders)
- Kaguya Houraisan (Touhou Project)
- Vampires (TYPE-MOON)
- Ghosts/Spectres (Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny)
- Albedo Piazolla (Xenosaga)
- Herrscher Of The Death (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Bernkastel (Umineko: When They Cry)
Web Original[]
- Salem (RWBY)
- SCP-076-2 - "Able" (SCP Foundation); via SCP-076-1
- SCP-151-D "K" (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-524 - Walter the Omnivorous Rabbit (SCP Foundation)
Known Objects[]
- Cure-All Elixir (Baccano)
- Grand Panacea (Baccano)
- Contract of San Venganza (Ghost Rider)
Known Powers[]
- Eternal Atoms (Bastard!!)
As long as the nucleus in his head remains intact, Cell (Dragon Ball Z) can endlessly reform his body.
Omega Shenron (Dragon Ball GT) reforming his body from Electric Slime after being destroyed by Son Goku's Dragon Fist.
Logia Devil Fruit Eaters (One Piece) can turn into their specific element at will and reform back into their original shape if damaged...
Nicknamed the Phoenix, Marco (One Piece) can reform his body thanks to the "Blue Flames of Resurrection".
Due to his mastery over his Mochi Mochi Fruit/no Mi, Charlotte Katakuri (One Piece) can reform his body akin to a Logia Devil Fruit user.
After absorbing Fairy Heart, Zeref Dragneel (Fairy Tail) is able to reform himself by rewinding time after being completely incinerated by Natsu.
Revival Slime (Yu-Gi-Oh!) is made completely of slime and will always reform himself, regardless of the attack.
Mist Body (Yu-Gi-Oh!) allows any monster to transition to and from the mist; allowing them to be immune to battle damage.
Straizo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency) reforming after being blown up by Joseph Joestar's hand grenades.
A person brought back to life by the Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation/Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation (Naruto) could reform their entire bodies even if it was blown to dust and ashes.
Lodestar (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien) is able to reform himself after being blown to pieces by a large explosion.
Danny Fenton/Phantom (Danny Phantom) is one of the few ghost who can heal fast enough to reform from being reduced to orange jelly by reality-warper Freakshow.
Patrick "Eel" O'Brian/Plastic Man (DC Comics) can be blown to smithereens and reform as along as his atomic structure stays intact.
The Minions of Set (Samurai Jack) could continually reform and regenerate themselves from any attack.
When Tom Turbo (Tom Turbo) gets destroyed, deactivated, or disabled, his boss can resurrect him with a special energy beam.
With total control over his molecular structure, Spidercide (Marvel Comics) can reform himself completely after being broken to pieces.
Thanks to the adaptive nature of his healing factor, James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics) can reform his entire body after getting caught in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki...
...and it has grown stronger over the years like when he took a full force explosion from the living bomb, Nitro...
Minions of Set (Samurai Jack) primary ability was they were capable of almost instantaneously regenerating from virtually any damage that was inflicted upon them. This ability extended even to the effects of Jack's Sword, which was specifically forged by the Gods to destroy Aku.
Live Television/Movies[]
Video Games[]
John White/The Beast (inFAMOUS) was able to completely reconstruct himself after being hit with a nuclear missile and after each Ray Field blast that he causes.
Alex Mercer (Prototype) in the process of reconstructing his entire body after being blown apart in a nuclear detonation.