Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to merge into/with the planet. Sub-power of Planetary Manipulation. Variation of Solid Merging. Not to be confused with Planetary Parasitism.

Also Called[]

  • Planetary Connecting/Fusion/Unity


User can merge into/with any planet or planetary body, allowing them to move within the planet as well as manipulate the planet and anything connected to it as if it was part of their own body.





Known Users[]

  • Brainiac (Batman Beyond/DC Comics)
  • Felia (Comet Lucifer)
  • Martian Manhunter (DC One Million)
  • General Rilldo (Dragon Ball GT)
  • Lord Slug (Dragon Ball Heroes)
  • Moro (Dragon Ball Super)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII); attempted
  • Jyoka (Houshin Engi)
  • Aurora Unit 313 (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  • Akira Asagi (Scared Rider Xechs)
  • Sigma (Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Unite)
  • Dark Oak, Black Narcissus and Pale Bayleaf (Sonic X); in Final Mova transformation
  • Cosmo (Sonic X); in her tree form
  • Ioneos (This Ugly Yet Beautiful World)
  • Ennoia (White Wolf)


Phenomena Big Bang Inducement ⨀ Big Bounce Inducement ⨀ Big Crunch Inducement ⨀ Cosmic Creation ⨀ Cosmic Destruction ⨀ Cosmological Force Manipulation ⨀ Gravity Manipulation ⨀ Orbital Force Manipulation ⨀ Universal Manipulation
Stellar Bio-Stellar Manipulation ⨀ Compact Star Manipulation ⨀ Corona Manipulation ⨀ Esoteric Star Manipulation ⨀ Pulsar Manipulation ⨀ Solar Manipulation ⨀ Star Creation ⨀ Star Destruction ⨀ Stellar Embodiment ⨀ Stellar Empowerment ⨀ Stellar Energy Manipulation ⨀ Stellar Immunity ⨀ Stellar Magic ⨀ Stellar Manipulation
Geophysics Manipulation ⨀ Lunar Dust Manipulation ⨀ Lunar Manipulation ⨀ Moon Blocking ⨀ Moon Creation ⨀ Moon Destruction ⨀ Planet Creation ⨀ Planet Creation ⨀ Planet Destruction ⨀ Planetary Axis Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Constructs ⨀ Planetary Energy Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Merging ⨀ Planetary Restoration