The power to deal greater damage against specific types of creatures/entities. Sub-power of Greater Effectiveness. Opposite to Lesser Damage Effectivity.
Also Called[]
- Damage-Related Type Advantages
- Individualist Higher Damage
- Selective/Conditional Damage Leveraging
- Specific Damage Advantage
- Specific Greater Damage
- Super Effectiveness (Pokémon)
- Type-Based Effective Damage
The user possesses the capacity to inflict greater damage against certain types of creatures or entities, such as ones of a certain elemental nature, physiology, personality, who live in a certain environment, etc., than against others.
- Adaptive Damage
- Critical Impact
- Damage Amplification - Limited to the creatures/entities of which user is effective against.
- Maximized Damage - Limited to the creatures/entities of which user is effective against.
- User may be limited to only a single effective type of target.
- Useless against types of targets user isn't effective against.
- Advantage Removal users can remove their advantage.
- Damage Negation, Damage Reflection, Damage Removal, Damage Reduction users can negate or nullify their attacks.
Known Users[]
- Heavy Leomon (Digimon)
- Servants (Fate/Grand Order); via attributes
- Units (Fire Emblem series); via weapon triangle
- Pokémon (Pokémon); via type advantage
- Tsuyoshi Kawabata (TSUYOSHI)
Known Objects[]
- Lex Luthor's Warsuit (DC Comics)
- Dramon Destroyers (Digimon)
- Falchion (Fire Emblem series)
- Weaponry possessing "Effective against X" (Fire Emblem series)
- Smite, Bane of Arthropods, and Impaling Enchantments (Minecraft)