The power to have absolute manual dexterity. Sub-power of Absolute Dexterity.
Also Called[]
- Endless Adroitness
- Godlike Adroitness
- Infinite Adroitness
The user has absolute control their prehensile body parts, meaning they can manipulate things down to the quantum super-string level and even the quantum foam level.
- Climbing
- Absolute Accuracy
- Absolute Artisan
- Absolute Dexterity
- Prehensility (Absolute Level)
- Quantum String Manipulation/Quantum Foam Manipulation (Varies)
- Enhanced Adroitness
- Supernatural Adroitness
- Absolute Adroitness
- Atomic Manipulation
- Enhanced Craftsmanship
- Enhanced Inventing
- Flawless Coordination
- Pincer Grip
- Prehensility
- Absolute Condition
- Supernatural Surgery
Known Users[]
- Hermes (Riordan series)