The power to manipulate racial/species-exclusive power. Variation of Force Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Racial Force/Power Manipulation
- Species Power Manipulation
The user of this power possesses and is able to control unique powers and/or forces related to their race/species. This ability grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of species energies exclusive to other members of their species, hybrids, clones or those with spliced DNA.
The user has control of anything that is connected to their species' legacy. They are able to manipulate objects and relics that are connected to their power, allowing them to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by normal standards.
- Absolute Derivation
- Evolutionary Template
- Hive Genetics
- Prime Being
- Racial Memory
- Species Arts
- Species Constructs
- Species Inheritance
- Species Magic
- Species Manipulation
- Species Mode
- Species Object Manipulation
- Species Symbiosis
- Species Telepathy
- May be limited to certain species forces.
Known Users[]
- Saiyans (Dragon Ball series)
- Namekians (Dragon Ball series)
- Majins (Dragon Ball series)
- Demonfolk (Dark Horse Comics)
- Kryptonians (DC Comics)
- Daxamites (DC Comics)
- Martians (DC Comics)
- White Martians (DC Comics)
- Apex Predators (DC Comics)
- The Hands (DC Comics)
- Hellspawn (Image Comics
- Celestials (Marvel Comics)
- Eternals (Marvel Comics)
- Mutants (Marvel Comics)
- Vampires (Marvel Comics)
- Beyonders (Marvel Comics)
- Asgardians (Marvel Comics)
- Gems (Steven Universe)
- Psiots/Harbingers (Valiant Entertainment)
Live Television/Movies
- Xenomorphs (Aliens)
- Immortals (Highlander)
- Gold Zeo Ranger (Power Rangers Zeo)
Video/Tabletop Games
- Isu (Assassin's Creed)
- Conduits (InFAMOUS)
- Chozo (Metroid)
- Metroids (Metroid)
- Samus Aran (Metroid)
- Infected (Prototype)
- Valkyrur/Valkyria (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Gideon Wyeth (Advent Rising)
- Slivers (Magic: The Gathering)
Web Comics
- Kimyos (Ordeal)
Known Objects[]
- Gold Zeo Crystal (Power Rangers)