- "Placing all of his godly power into the weapon had rendered Kratos mortal, vulnerable to the arms of death."
- ― Gaia (God of War II)
- "Pain? Panic? Got a little riddle for ya. How... do you kill... a god?"
"I DO NOT... know."
"You can't! They're immortal!"
"Bingo, they're immortal! So, first you gotta turn the little sun-spot... mortal." - ― Hades (Disney) before unveiling the Mortal Potion to Pain and Panic.
The power to render other beings mortal. Sub-power of Mortality Manipulation and Immortality Manipulation. Opposite of Deification.
Also Called[]
- Mortality Inducement
The user can render themselves and/or others mortal, rendering them powerless and vulnerable to injuries, sickness, and death.
- Bestowal of Mortal Physiology
- Powerlessness Inducement
- Conversion Negation
- Conversion Immunity
- Cannot work against users of Absolute Immortality
Known Users[]
- Grand Minister (Dragon Ball Super)
- Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Jack Kline (Supernatural)
- Chris Gordon (Demon Accords); via Aura Blast
- Dreams/Dreams of The Old Time (Mrs. Rinaldi's Angel)
Known Objects[]
- Mortal Potion (Disney's Hercules)
- Blade of Olympus (God of War)
- Holy ÄRM, Purific Ave (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Book of Amun-Ra (The Mummy)
Kratos (God of War) was tricked into draining his godly power into the Blade of Olympus, rendering him mortal.
The legendary ÄRM, Purific Ave (Marchen Awakens Romance) is the only thing can break Zombie Tattoo curses and return the victims to their mortal selves.