- "'SNIKT!!'"
- ― The Iconic sound of Wolverine's claws.
The power to generate blades from one's body. Variation of Natural Weaponry.
Also Called[]
- Blade Arm/Arm Blade Extension/Generation/Limb/Projection/Protrusion/Retraction
- Razor Arm/Extension/Generation/Limb/Projection/Protrusion/Retraction
- Retractable Blades/Swords
- Sword Arm/Extension/Generation/Limb/Projection/Protrusion/Retraction
The user can generate and retract blades from their bodies, which can be composed of energy, bone, or metal, among other things.
- Wrist-mounted Blade Proficiency
- Bionic Physiology
- Blade Construction
- Blade Shifting
- Bone Manipulation
- Bone Spike Protrusion
- Claw Retraction
- Elemental Blade Construction
- Enhanced/Supernatural Swordsmanship
- Ergokinetic Blade Construction
- Incisive Limbs
- Natural Weaponry
- Organic Constructs
- Powers Via Object
- High-Tech Exoskeleton
- Shapeshifting
- Weapon Creation
- Weapon Manipulation
- Weapon Transformation
- Blades can be broken.
Known Users[]
- Ikuro Hashizawa (Baoh)
- Terry McGinnis/Batman (Batman Beyond)
- Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
- Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
- Kickin' Hawk (Ben 10)
- Petrosapiens (Ben 10)
- Diamondhead
- Tetrax Shard (Ben 10)
- Pierce (Ben 10: Alien Force)
- ChamAlien (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Merlinisapiens (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Prisoner 775 (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Guyver Unit Hosts (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I
- Nnoitra Gilga (Bleach)
- Nagi the Spurious (Bloody Roar)
- Xion the Unborn (Bloody Roar)
- Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Eldre Koh (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Jeremiah Gottwald (Code Geass)
- Sovereignty (CubexCursedxCurious)
- Allen Walker (D.Gray-man)
- Howard Link (D.Gray-man)
- MagnaAngemon (Digimon)
- Mastemon (Digimon)
- Omnimon (Digimon)
- Mercenary Tao Pai Pai (Dragon Ball)
- Lord Yao (Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy)
- Wielders of Saika (Durarara!)
- Anri Sonohara
- Kasane Kujiragi
- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Paninya (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
- Kuroudo Akabane/Dr. Jackal (Getbackers)
- Kiryu (Godzilla)
- Guido-Fire (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Repto-Slicer (Johnny Test)
- Scarlet Spider ( Ultimate Spider-Man)
- Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency)
- Various Mamodo/Demons (Konjiki no Gash Bell!/Zatch Bell)
- Zora Link (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Cyclopsis (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Baraka (Mortal Kombat)
- Tarkatans (Mortal Kombat)
- Scyther (Pokémon)
- Sceptile (Pokémon)
- Weavile (Pokémon)
- Jack Krauser (Resident Evil 4)
- Jabberwock S3 (Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles)
- RoboCop (RoboCop)
- Mephiles the Dark (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Grounder (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Metamorphia and Nutzan Bolt (Sonic the Comic)
- Swarm (Skylanders)
- Trent MacGowan (Smallville)
- Twelve (Street Fighter III)
- Shigeru Washizu (Taimanin Asagi)
- Millions Knives (Trigun)
- Methuselahs (Trinity Blood)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Deadpool/Weapon XI (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
- Carnage (Marvel Comics)
- Paragon (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Anti-Venom (Marvel Comics)
- Sandman (Marvel Comics)
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
- Akihiro/Hellverine (Marvel Comics)
- Laura Kinney/Wolverine II (Marvel Comics)
- Flex (Marvel Comics)
- Alistair Smythe (Marvel Comics)
- Spidercide (Marvel Comics)
- Lin Lie/Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)
- Niles van Roekel (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- The Wink (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Adrian Luca (X-Men: Destiny)
- Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat)
- Kaguro (Kekkaishi)
- Chevaliers (Blood+)
- Gigan (Godzilla)
- Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (Animorphs)
- Andalites (Animorphs)
- Hork-Bajir (Animorphs)
- Adam Jensen (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
- Ginger (Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone)
- Ransik (Power Rangers Time Force)
- T-1000 (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
- Elder Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Roto (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Makintaro (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Orochimaru (Naruto)
- Kawaki (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
- Oh Kangwoo (Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later)
- Weavel (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- Fulgore (Killer Instinct)
- Shota Ourha (Takamagahara)
- Razor Fist (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Super Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Human-form Replicators (Stargate)
- Mega Man Volnutt (Mega Man Legends)
- Cutman (Mega Man)
- Superman X (Legion of Super-Heroes/DC Comics)
- Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
- Sari Sumdac (Transformers Animated)
- Swamp Monsters (Infamous 2)
- Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
- Garyu (The Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha : Strikers)
- Glacius (Killer Instinct)
- RepliCarter (Stargate)
- Alexander Ashford/Nosferatu (Resident Evil Code: Veronica)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
- Cyblade (Cyberforce)
- Brainiac (Smallville/DC Comics)
- Red X (Teen Titans)
- Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael (DC Comics)
- Raelene Sharp/Razorsharp (DC Comics)
- Haley/Razorsharp (DC Comics)
- Algol (Soul Calibur)
- Salza (Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge)
- Hawkeye (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Inazuma (One Piece)
- Daz Bonez/Mr. 1 (One Piece)
- Zala/Miss Doublefinger (One Piece)
- Funkfreed (One Piece)
- Inazuma (One Piece)
- S-Hawk (One Piece)
- Togaru Kamakiri (Boku no Hero Academia)
- Brick Baxter/Cyber Shadow (The Young Guardians)
- Bionoids (Dungeons & Dragons/Spelljammer)
- Jennifer Tate (Primal)
- Dave Shar/Rash (Battletoads)
- Morgan Ziegler/Zitz (Battletoads)
- George Pie/Pimple (Battletoads)
- Tabuu (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
- Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts)
- Yakon (Dragon Ball Z)
- RoboGadget (Inspector Gadget)
- Rayne (BloodRayne)
- Acid Demons (Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver)
- KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
- Haxx (Extreme Dinosaurs)
- Garo Tribe (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Tsuna (Otogi: Myth of Demons)
- Dampierre (Soul Calibur)
- Vega (Street Fighter)
- Kahlua Shuzen (Rosario + Vampire)
- Dominic (Power Rangers Jungle Fury)
- Bioraptors (The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black)
- Neo Organism (Kamen Rider)
- El Cid (Saint Seiya)
- Capricorn Shura (Saint Seiya)
- Dante (Devil May Cry); via Majin Form
- Shota Oruha (Takama-Ga-Hara)
- Bladewolf (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
- Kikyo Mikage (Marvel Anime: Wolverine)
- Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats); via Guard Skill: Hand Sonic
- Optimus Prime (Transformers)
- Shirou Emiya (TYPE-MOON)
- Jūgo (Naruto)
- Yakon (Dragon Ball Z)
- Kano (Mortal Kombat)
- Eve (Black Cat)
- Victor (Undead Unluck)
- Andy (Undead Unluck)
- Trent Fernandez-Mercer/White Dino Ranger (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
- Steeleto (Power Rangers Samurai)
- Blue Samurai Sentries (Power Rangers)
- Player (Growtopia); via Ezio's Armguards
- Shiv (Stargirl)
- Ruber (Quest for Camelot)
- Bladebeak (Quest for Camelot)
- The Protagonist (Shin Megami Tensei V)
- Absolute Titan (Ultraman series)
- Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb (Ultraman series); via Emerium Slugger
- Riku Asaukura/Ultraman Geed (Ultraman series); via Solid Burning and Acro Smasher
- Ultraman Agul
- Ultraman Fuma
- Ultraman Gaia
- Ultraman Ginga
- Ultraman Great
- Ultraman Max (Ultraman series)
- Ultraman Neos
- Ultraman Nexus (Ultraman series); via Junis Blue
- Ultraman X (Ultraman series); as Exceed X
- Ultraman Zero (Ultraman series)
- Ultraseven/Dan Moroboshi (Ultraman series)
- Ultraseven 21 (Ultraman series)
- Zangill
- X (Mega Man X6); via Blade Armor
- Some Cybertronians/Transformers (Transformers)
Known Objects[]
- Hidden Blades (Assassin's Creed)
- Lexosuits (Arrowverse/Supergirl)
- Savitar's Armor (Arrowverse/The Flash)
- Skulker's Suit (Danny Phantom)
- Demon Sword Saika (Durarara!)
- Inferno (How To Train Your Dragon)
- Viggo's Fire Sword (How To Train Your Dragon)
- SB-555T Faiz Blaster (Kamen Rider 555); via Photon Breaker Mode
- SB-913X Kaixa Blaygun (Kamen Rider 555); via inserting Kamen Rider Kaixa's Mission Memory to use Blade Mode
- Ronin's Retractable Sword (Marvel Cinimatic Universe)
- Power Shoes (Sonic X)
- Supa Supa no Mi/Dice-Dice Fruit (One Piece)
- Lightsabers (Star Wars)
- Energy Swords (Halo)
- Energy Daggers (Halo)
- Laser Blades (Armored Core)
- Mebius Brace (Ultraman series); via Mebium Blade
- Knight Brace (Ultraman series); via Knight Beam Blade
- Arm blades (Predator)
- Inferno (How To Train Your Dragon)
Body Blades[]
Dante (Devil May Cry) using his powerful Majin Form Devil Trigger giving him retractable arm blades.
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency) can generate retractable blades in his wrists, which enables him to control light...
Each of the Flat Sisters (Marchen Awakens Romance) possess the Ghost ÄRM, Scalpel, allowing them to turn their arms into blades at will.
Weapon XI/Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) has two retractable adamantium swords installed in arms.
A Full-Body Bladed Human, Daz Bones (One Piece) can generate and retract blades from all over his body.
As a sword who was fed Zou Zou no Mi, Funkfreed (One Piece) can change into an elephant and back to a sword at will.
Super Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series), possesses multiple retractable blades all over his body.
Scarlet Spider (Ultimate Spider-Man 2012) has long retractable metal blade stingers in his wrist that he is very skilled in combat against foes like a normal Kraven....
Shota Ourha (Takamagahara) has multiple blades within his body folded up that he can connect and eject at will.
Ultraseven (Ultraman series) has the Eye Slugger as his head crest that can be used as a bladed weapon.
Similar to his father Seven, Ultraman Zero (Ultraman series) has the Zero Sluggers as his head crests that can be used as bladed weapons.
In the Solid Burning form, Riku Asakura/Ultraman Geed (Ultraman series) has the Geed Slugger on his head that he can attach it to his legs...
Ultraman Nexus Junis Blue (Ultraman series) retracting his Schtrom Sword from his Armed Nexus organs.
Double (Mega Man X4) possesses the Kiba Flash, a powerful retractable energy razor blade that is capable of killing Reploids in a single slash.
Optimus Prime (Transformers: Generation 1) creates an axe out of his species' preferred fuel source and life force, Energon.
Weapons and Weaponized Installation[]
Rex (Generator Rex) can use the nanites within him to generate powerful machines that he can also retract from his body, such has a gigantic blade...
Victor Powered (Buso Renkin) taking apart his Fatal Attraction into two smaller tomahawks, and each producing a retractable energy blade.
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) can use his alchemy to transmute the forearm plating of his automail arm into a blade.
Hiccup Haddock (How To Train Your Dragon) has a fire sword called the Inferno that has a retractable blade that can be used to store the sword easily. His blades have Nightmare saliva that can cause the retractable blade to be lit on fire when they light it up.
Due to admiring Hiccup’s Inferno blade, Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD) created a new sword that has the same features as Hiccup’s first and second one, having a retractable blade that can cut dragon proof metal and ignite on command but unlike Hiccup’s first one it can spray Zippleback gas.
Niles Van Roekel (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects) wearing a power-suit that has retractable blades.
Paragon (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects) had retractable blades, amongst many other modifications, implanted into her body.
Gein (Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration) using a pair of retractable wrist blades in an attempt to finish off Saito.
The Lexosuit's (Arrowverse/Supergirl) arms carry retractable Kryptonite blades that are able to hurt and damage a Kryptonian giving them radiation poisoning.
To initiate Blade Mode, the SB-913X Kaixa Blaygun (Kamen Rider 555) must have Kamen Rider Kaixa's Mission Memory inserted to retract a blade made of Sol Glass.
Ultraman Mebius/Mirai Hibino (Ultraman series) using his Mebius Brace to create the Mebium Blade and cut through enemies.
Ultraman Hikari (Ultraman series) using his Knight Brace to create the Knight Beam Blade and cut through enemies.