- "Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Elves are marvelous. They cause marvels. Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies. Elves are glamorous. They project glamour. Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment. Elves are terrific. They beget terror. The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning. No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad."
- ― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
The power to use the abilities of elves. Variation of Mythic Physiology. Combination of Demihuman and Fairy Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Elf Mimicry
- Elven/Elvish Body/Mimicry/Physiology
The user with this ability either is or can transform into an elf (also known as an alfar, alp, ellefolk, etc.). Elves are humanoid beings who are either fairies, close relatives of the fairies, or humanoids with exceptional lifespans (with them being able live for centuries, or maybe even for many millennia) and magical inclination, depending on the lore. In general, elves resemble slender, beautiful, youthful/ageless, graceful humans. Some versions of elves are close to human size, others are diminutive, and others are taller than humans. Though some human-sized elves could pass as particularly attractive humans, most have one or more distinctly elven trait. Pointed ears are the most common, but some elves have large eyes, skin/hair/eyes of an unusual color, and/or (rarely in modern fiction, but not uncommonly in folklore) hollowed-out backs.
As mentioned, elves can be divided into two broad groups: modern and mythic. Modern elves are mortal or near-mortal, with abilities closer to those of humans. Mythic elves are objectively more powerful, with some bearing power rivaling that of lesser divinities. Regardless of which group they belong to, all elves share certain traits, including grace, some magical ability, and skill in both close combat (especially with swords) and marksmanship (with bows).
Of all faerie races, elves are most likely to form their own communities, nations and states of varying sizes. While modern elves have their own kingdoms and lands in the physical world, mythic elves tend to live on a separate plane of existence (Alfheim, Elfland, Fairyland, etc.).
- Disease Inducement (Mythic only)
- Elf Magic
- Environmental Adaptation
- Hollow Being (Some mythic types only)
- Magic
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Condition
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Body
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Agility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Balance
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Dexterity
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Durability
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Endurance
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Flexibility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Health
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Leap
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Reflexes
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Senses
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Speed
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Stamina
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Strength
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Combat
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Mind
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Body
- Pointed Ears
- Seduction Mastery (Mythic only)
- Unnatural Quality
- Mythic: Dark Elves (dokkalfar, svartalfar and dvergar in Norse Mythology) were a subterranean race that were associated with disease, curses and bad luck, in contrast with their light elf brethren.
- Modern: In modern fantasy literature, Dark elves are identified as a corrupted version of their nobler brethren and are known for their aggression, deceit, and stealth. They are very brutal and cruel by nature, having little mercy when it comes to cheating, battling, or anything dealing with the life of another being. They have little respect for even their own kind, at times waging war against each other. However, clans are known to band together to combat invasions and attacks by other races. Many dwell underground.
- Curse/Disease Inducement (Mythic version)
- Subterranean Adaptation
- Mythic: Elves like the Haltija and the Alvar that wield powers such as Domain Warping and are embodiments of nature.
- Modern: Usually depicted as the beings that created or fathered the elves, such as the Pantheon of elves/eldar in Warhammer Fantasy/40K respectively.
Grey Elves
- Mythic: This would include any elf that does not fit the classification of either a light or dark elf.
- Modern: Usually not as civilized (and haughty) as High Elves, but neither as sullen nor xenophobic as Wood Elves, who live in a quasi-feudal society. They often live either near sea or large lakes or at remote islands and are extremely proficient mariners and seafarers. Not as proficient in magic, arts and sciences as High Elves, but excellent on poetry, music, lore and epic literature.
- Mythic: Mythic ancestry could go up to Demigod Physiology.
- Modern: Result of Elven and (usually) human relationship, those with Modern ancestry are unlikely to add much more to their mortal other parents' abilities than Decelerated Aging, although even their exceptions happen.
- Mythic: The Alvar, Haltijas and the Gentry would be candidates in mythology for the most advanced elves.
- Modern: High elves are distinguished from other fantasy elves by their place of living, as they usually dwell in stone cities, instead of woods, like wood-elves. High elves and dark elves can be used to contrast respectively the good elves and the evil elves. Typically, high elves consider themselves the most purely good race of all, and haughtily view all other races beneath them, especially other elven races, and they are usually the most magically developed of all elves.
- Elven Demigods, the offspring of elven deities and normal elves.
Sea/Aquatic Elves
- Mythic: The Ellyllon dwell in water bodies.
- Modern: While some elves took to the skies, others took to the sea. The Sea elves are a subrace that reside in undersea civilizations. Naturally, they are closed off from human societies and are also in tune with their environment.
Snow Elves
- Mythic: No recorded race of snow-dwelling elves has ever been recorded.
- Modern: The subrace of Elves that thrive in colder, frigid lands. Their appearance can range from having tan skin to very pale skin, with white or pale blonde hair. They can live in grand structures made of ice or live in more primitive settlements of wood and furs. They have a strong connection to nature and have an aptitude in magic, particularly ice magic. Due to the harsh conditions of their homelands, they tend to be isolationists and rarely engage in large scale combat but will defend their lands from invaders.
Sky Elves
- Mythic: Such beings would be closely associated with mythical High Elves.
- Modern: A race of elves that reside in the high heavens. These types of elves live in communities literally stationed in the sky. Because of their destination, their communities are hard to invade, and the elves have the power to protect it since they have learned to control the elements and creatures of their environment.
Space/Star Elves
- Mythic: More elemental elves such as the Haltija could fall into this category.
- Modern: A subrace of elves that reside in the stars. These types of elves live in space and reside in communities where magic and technology are one. This means that the technology they use will either be crystalline, or organic constructs that are both in tune with nature and capable of destroying whole cities. Such elves include Warhammer's Eldar.
Wild Elves
- Mythic: The Alpen is the closest elf to this category, being a trickster being with wild tendencies.
- Modern: Elves that are the most primitive of all Elf subraces and the antithesis of High Elves. They have a similar appearance to Wood Elves, but are shorter and thinner, and are considered more barbaric, living close to the land and living as part hunter-gatherers, and part agricultural. This subrace seems to have to have little proficiency in magic, but make up for it in stealth, making them excellent hunters. They tend to dwell in woodland and grassland environments.
Wood Elves
- Mythic: The Huldufolk are depicted as a race of nature-loving elves that rarely leave their dwellings and are peaceful in nature.
- Modern: Elves that reside in the forests of the world. Members of this subrace live outside of common civilization and possess a connection with nature that is stronger than those of any other subrace.
- Celtic Deity
- Elf Companionship
- Elf Lord
- Enhanced Condition
- Exotic Human Physiology
- Fairy Physiology
- Human Physiology
- Norse Deity
- Nymph Physiology
- Superior Human Physiology
- Supernatural Beauty
Known Users[]
See Also: Elf Tropes.
- Arshes Nei (Bastard!!)
- Elf Tribe (Black Clover)
- Elfin (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- Elves (Delicious in Dungeon)
- Elves (Doom Breaker)
- Diclonii (Elfen Lied)
- Lucy
- Mariko
- Nana
- Elves (Elf-sensei no Toilet wa Doko Desu ka?)
- Elf (The Eminence in Shadow)
- Dark Elf (The Eminence in Shadow)
- Elves (Failure Frame)
- Elves (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
- Frieren
- Serie
- Kraft
- Milliarde
- Elves (Gaikotsu Kishi-sama)
- Yao Ro Dushi (Gate)
- High Elf Archer (Goblin Slayer)
- Suzu (Gestalt)
- Elves (The Greatest Estate Developer)
- Elves (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Elves (Magical x Miracle)
- Sylphiette (Mushoku Tensei)
- Elinalise Dragonroad (Mushoku Tensei)
- Elves (No Game No Life)
- Elves (Record of Lodoss War)
- Deedlit
- Pirotess
- Emilia (Re:Zero ~Starting Life in Another World~); Half Elf
- Satella/The Witch of Envy (Re:Zero ~Starting Life in Another World~)
- Elves (Slayers)
- Sillad/The Monarch of Frost (Solo Leveling)
- Ice Elves (Solo Leveling)
- Erwin (Surviving The Game as a Barbarian)
- Dark Elves (Tenchi Muyo!: War on Geminar)
- Aura Shurifon
- Elves (Those Who Hunt Elves)
- Elves (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- The Drule (Voltron)
- Elves (Wistoria of Wand and Sword)
- Elnor Ljos Alf
- Ignor Lindor
- Mystical Elf (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Celtic Guardian (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Obnoxious Celtic Guard (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Sayless (YU-NO)
- Elves (Zero no Tsukaima)
- Elves (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Elves (Amulet)
- Elves (ElfQuest)
- Elves/Witches/Wizards/Grimwalkers (The Owl house)
- Elves (Tara Duncan)
- Elves (Sofia the First)
- Elfonso
- Elfred
- Elves (Disenchantment)
- Elves (The Dragon Prince)
- Elves (Dota: Dragon’s Blood)
- Smoke Elves (Marvel Comics)
- Dark Elves (Marvel Comics)
- Light Elves (Marvel Comics)
- Ice Elves (Marvel Comics)
- Elves (Mysticons)
- Piper Willowbrook
- Hortensia Sparklebottom
- Amileth
- Clutch and Throttle
- Eric Hysteria
- Vanity Castle
- Felix Castle
- Queen Necrafa of the Undead (Formerly)
- Gus (Ultimate Book of Spells)
- Palladium (Winx Club)
- Elves (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
- Ikaruga Suginami (Anti-Magic Academy 35th Test Platoon); temporarily
- Elves (Demon Accords)
- Scout Elf (Elf on the Shelf)
- Elves (Geronimo Stilton: The Kingdom of Fantasy)
- Elves (The Guardians of Childhood/Rise of the Guardians)
- House Elves (Harry Potter)
- Elves (Inheritance Cycle)
- Elves (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Celicia (Rune Soldier Louie)
- Bus Driver Elf (Shadow Falls)
- Elves (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- Yarrow (Thea Stilton: The Land of Flowers)
- Elves (The Witcher)
- Tinisha Dolaira (The Young Guardians)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Elves (Bright)
- Tikka
- Kandomere
- Elves (The Bureau of Magical Things)
- Dark Elves (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Elves/Nisser (Elves/Nisser 2021 TV series)
- Elves (Onward)
- Amberle Elessidill (The Shanara Chronicles)
- Wil Omsford (The Shanara Chronicles); half-elf
- Elves (Strange Magic)
- Elves (Folklore/Mythology)
- Elves (Celtic Mythology)
- Alpen (Germanic Mythology)
- Ljosalfar (Norse Mythology)
- Dokkalfar (Norse Mythology)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Wood Elves (Age of Wonders)
- Dark Elves (Age of Wonders)
- Desert Elves (Armageddon (MUD))
- City Elves (Armageddon (MUD))
- Wood Elves (Armies of Exigo)
- Deep Elves (Armies of Exigo)
- Elves (Dota 2)
- Elves (Dragon Age)
- Zhoom (Dragonfable)
- Elves (Dragon Quest VIII)
- Elves (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Elezen (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Elves (Tales series)
- Light Elves (God of War)
- Dark Elves (God of War)
- Elves (Warcraft series)
- Blood Elves
- Night Elves
- High Elves
- Felblood Elves
- Wretched
- Darkfallen
- Elves (Magic the Gathering)
- Piccoli (Medarot 5)
- Elves (Monster Girl Quest)
- Dark Elves (Monster Girl Quest)
- Elves (Munchkin)
- Elves (Skylanders)
- Drow (Skylanders)
- Mer/Elves (The Elder Scrolls)
- Aldmer/First Folk
- Altmer/High Elves
- Alyeid/Wild Elves
- Bosmer/Wood Elves
- Dunmer/Dark Elves
- Dwemer/Deep Elves/Dwarves
- Falmer/Snow Elves
- Maormer/Sea Elves
- Orsimer/Orcs/Pariah Folk
- Elves (South Park: The Stick of Truth)
- High Elf (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Halfelf (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Elf (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Dark Elf (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Cassandra (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
- Elves (Valkyrie Connect)
- Nadia Necromancer
- Fencer Soara
- Archer Lucio
- Hunter Bertha
- Sorcer Gylfi
- Thief Shiena
- Musician Arte
- Blade Crazed Welver
- Tailor Lamina
- Iseria Arisphodel (Epic Seven)
- Silkyria Eyu La Safayena (Epic Seven)
- Kiris (Epic Seven)
- Kluri (Epic Seven)
- Mercedes (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Elves (Kofi)
- Elfa
- Jason
- Arisa (Shadowverse)
- Losaria (Shadowverse)
- High Elves (Raid: Shadow Legends)
- Dark Elves (Raid: Shadow Legend)
- Aethelwynne (Pixelface)
- Elves (Feral)
- Miis with the Elf Job (Miitopia)
- High Elves (Warhammer)
- Dark Elves (Warhammer)
- Wood Elves (Warhammer)
- Eldar (Warhammer 40K)
Web Comics/Animation/Original/Series[]
- Vaarsuvius (The Order of the Stick)
- Nashua Nikae (Tamuran)
- Elves (Cosmic Wonders)
- Aki Rosenthal (hololive)
- Shiranui Flare (hololive)
- Yukihana Lamy (hololive)