- "It's a key. That key opens a portal to another world that overlaps our own... it's a key that summons demons from another dimension that have manipulated the dark side of human history since ancient times. The five members of the Godhand."
- ― Guts explaining what a Behelit is. (Berserk Vol.2)
- "From the dawn of time, terrible impossibilities have spawned from the darkness between stars, not hating life, simply being indifferent to it. We are as ants to these abominations, these demented Gods. I use this term as this is what they are called in older texts. You will not find any biblical God here. Or perhaps you will, I do not know. The use of ‘Gods’ here is this specific form of creature, born from the primordial chaos of this reality, not just a powerful being. Simply powerful beings do not reach the uncaring depths of cruelty and depravity that the Gods do. We will bring them here and bind them. Bind them until their bloodlust is sated, until all but one is dead. Always a single God remains: the Victor, who returns to whence they came as the only God remaining. But their primordial chaos eventually spawns more Gods, more twisted angels and demons. And so it all comes to pass again. Our vigilance must be constant, for a new Victor must be found again and again. We will leave a mark in creation, but it will fade. It will heal."
- ― Reverend Hawshore explaining what he and the Victory Society intends to do to Daleport. (SCP-1936)
The power to summon eldritch beings. Technique of Eldritch Being Manipulation. Variation of Mythic Summoning.
Also Called[]
- Iä Shub-Niggurath (Overlord)
- Outer-God Calling /Summoning
- Lovecraftian/ Unfathomable/ Unorthodox Entity Assemble
- Extra-Dimensional Entity Beckoning
- The Call of R'lyeh
The user can summon strange, illogical, cosmic beings/objects from either the deepest parts of space or beyond the boundaries of this universe. These Eldritch Beings from the great gulfs of infinity may be helpful to the summoner, e.g., giving them access to the secrets of creation. The user can summon these beings from the darkest corners of the universe, utilizing their otherworldly powers for their own gain. Whether it's harnessing their raw power for devastating attacks, delving into forbidden knowledge gleaned from these entities, or simply instilling terror in their enemies, the user wields a force unlike any other. By the very nature of this power, the user is summoning cataclysmic forces beyond any hope of fighting or reasoning with.
They can call upon that which dwells in the heavens and the celestial bodies above where things aren't like they are in the earthly realm and have something that should not be drop down from the sky and remake reality in it's weird image. The blasphemous creatures the user invokes may be so alien that our worldly concepts, even life and death don't even apply to them. Life that isn't like the ones we know which may not even originate from the universe, let alone the multiverse. The creatures the user brings into the world are not of flesh nor blood but made of something else entirely, sometimes being even conscious black holes when the planets align or it's so weird it's whole body cannot be seen in the three dimensions that makeup our universe. It's within the user's capabilities to unleash the nightmarish beings that laid dormant for ages long past.
- Alternate Element Materialization (only eldritch materials and Lovecraftian energies)
- Calling
- Eldritch Entity Creation
- Portal Creation to eldritch locations
- Reality Randomization (Varies; sometimes Indirectly caused by summoning it.)
- Supernatural Phenomenon Inducement
- Weirdness Inducement ( by summoning eldritch horrors they could bring about a weirdmeggedon.)
- Omniscience (If the Lovecraftian Deity is Omniscient, it's possible they can bestow that unto the user. An example of this would be Yog-Sothoth)
- Apocalypse Inducement (Otherworldly Cosmic Abominations aren't apart of the natural order of things and as such they are often brought here from beyond the edge of reality and outer space to end this world or the universe in their own strange ways)
- Forbidden Knowledge (Some Eldritch Gods possess knowledge that isn't meant for mortals to know and like omniscience, it can be bestowed but usually for a terrible price. Just like how cultists summoned 'the haunter in the dark' for forbidden knowledge of the cosmos, it always has a price.)
- Wish Manifestation/Absolute Wish
- Eldritch Conversion (Can summon unnatural beings/energies to convert others into abominations or summon their Eldritch masters by converting others)
- Eldritch Magic/Science (By gaining favor from the "gods")
- Eldritch Connection (It's possible to gain patronage from certain Lovecraftian Beings)
- Being blessed with an unnatural lifespan that allows the user to continue living for centuries and perhaps outlasting all life on the planet by some "sea demon".
- Gaining knowledge on how to build a variety of fantastic devices and improbable machines including nuclear-powered ray guns, engines that terraform on a reality-bending scale and even stuff that was originally impossible to make before from a "benevolent" space god . This can lead to a massive boost in scientific/technological advances.
- Have an inter-dimensional being erase any event from the timeline which could be any of the user's mistakes and lost chances even a loved one's death. (EX: G-man from Hλlf-Life: Alyx)
- Have them invade someone's mind and haunt their dreams.
- Use the horrors as a source of endless energy if they happen to violate the law of energy conservation in which energy cannot be created or destroyed. This can be used for something as mundane as charging their device and so much more.
- Summoning a meteor with a strange color that is somehow alive and too abstract to be quantified or understood by even the most advanced science. This being can be the user's friend for example.
- Call upon moving magenta alien fire from outer space to turn mountains, rivers and nearby animal life into gold.
- Turn enemies from flesh into crystal by some bizarre crystalline entity. (EX: The Heart of Atlantis from Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
- Create portals to summon tentacles for restraining or dragging enemies to some alternate dimension close to ours.
- Eldritch Arts
- Alien Mind: Users may develop this over time due to exposure to eldritch energies and entities they summon.
- Eldritch Physiology: Overexposure to beings and energies beyond mortal understanding may eventually transform the user into an Eldritch horror.
- Eldritch Being Manipulation
- Summoning
- Banishment/Contract Nullification/Nature Manipulation/Summoning Negation
- Summoning Lovecraftian deities doesn't guarantee anything good will happen. You will most likely die a horrible death or wish you did.
- There is a chance the entity could be dangerous to the universe to which they are summoned.
- This Power may have exceptions to what kind of outsider entity that can be called.
- Summoning Outsider Entities may very likely take immense amounts of power.
- Summoning such an unfathomably powerful being may require a sacrifice, such as a innocent pure soul or blood .
- There's a chance the ritual may not work for example if 'the stars aren't right' or the Lovecraftian God ignores the call . Consider yourself blessed if they ignore it .
- It's always possible for the Outer-God to be hungry for a mortal snack upon being summoned .
- The Consequences for summoning the otherworldly outsiders are usually madness, reality itself breaking down or being distorted by said god's presence, having your soul be devoured, eternal suffering, mass hallucinations, the replacement of all religions, plagues, witness to profane truths no human was ever meant to know, biological reconstitution, death of all reason and logic, and baldness.
- Depending on the User some may even be able to summon any eldritch abomination from across fiction such as the Outer God's (Cthulhu Mythos), Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) and beings like the Scarlet King (SCP Foundation).
- While Eldritch Abominations usually bring harm and damnation to summoners usually by their mere presence in the same way your body kills viruses ,there are eldritch horrors that are "benevolent" as far as our limited minds can understand but in actuality they have the morality of a hurricane . In other words even if an eldritch being that's summoned is considered good it won't necessarily be our version of good or their goals by pure chance of luck happened to align with ours .
- Please note that most user's of this power are usually Cultists or "Magic" User's that are attempting to bring their god to this dimension or from the deep dark depths of outer space ,which typically is a common thing in many Cosmic Horror Stories . They usually do this through some ritual, super-science or an otherworldly object of unholy power like 'the necronomicon' . It's a common trope in H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos to have an Apocalyptic Cult that'll attempt to awaken their gods or summon them from another dimension beyond our limited understanding of the cosmos to help end the world or grant their desires .
Known Users[]
See Also: Apocalypse Cult and Tome Of Eldritch Lore.
- The Cultists (8-Bit Theater)
- Dusk Waiting to Awaken (A Certain Magical Index); via Necronomicon
- Peppermint Butler (Adventure Time)
- Betty Grof (Adventure Time)
- Various Wizards (AD&D)
- Various Sorcerer's (Age of Wonders 3)
- The Healing Church (Bloodborne)
- Briar Harvestar (Bone Comics)
- Users of various Summon/Dismiss Deity spells (Call of Cthulhu RPG)
- Amos Hackshaw (Cast a Deadly Spell)
- Various Characters (Chainsaw Man)
- Ghost Charlie (Charlie the Unicorn)
- Dylan Faden (Control); via the Slide Projector
- Queen Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
- Magus (Chrono Trigger)
- The Outer Gods (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Lovecraftian Cults (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Anyone who mentions the name Zalgo (Creepypasta)
- The Killers (Dead by Daylight)
- Al Azif (Demonbane)
- Etheldreda (Demonbane)
- Nyarlathotep (Demonbane)
- Higgs Monaghan (Death Stranding)
- Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory)
- The Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Bibidi (Dragon Ball Series)
- Old Man Whateley (The Dunwich Horror)
- The Hero of Kvatch (The Elder Scrolls)
- Mr. Carlon (Escape the Ayuwoki)
- Invictus (Final Space)
- Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
- Ivo Shandor (Ghostbusters)
- Metphies (Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters)
- Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Alastor the Radio Demon (Hazbin Hotel)
- Primas (Handyman Saitou in Another World)
- Grigori Rasputin (Hellboy 2004)
- Sutter Cane (In The Mouth Of Madness)
- Sion (Instant Death)
- Planeswalkers (Magic: The Gathering)
- Planeswalker Kiora (Magic: The Gathering)
- Doctor Strange Supreme (Marvel's What If...? Series)
- Red Skull (Marvel's What If...? Series)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe); via the Darkhold
- The Zealots (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Various characters (Marvel Comics)
- Wiccan
- Doctor Stephen Strange
- Carnage
- Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic
- Dark Quasar
- Knull
- Lord Mar-Vell
- Blood Monks
- Silas Burr/Hornet
- Ainz Ooal Gown (Overlord)
- Magane Chikujoin (Re:Creators)
- The Python (Rusty and Co)
- Dr.Masahiko Ogai (Saya no Uta)
- The Victory Society (SCP Foundation)
- The Daughters of Eden (SCP Foundation)
- The Order of the White Sun (SCP Foundation)
- The Scelesti (Mage: the Awakening)
- Various Players (Minecraft) ; via mods
- Ivor (Minecraft: Story Mode)
- Quan Chi (Mortal Kombat 1)
- Yoko (Shin Megami Tensei V)
- Maxwell (Scribblenauts)
- Darling (Sucker For Love)
- Various Characters (Supernatural)
- The Fifth Church/Fifthism (SCP Foundation)
- Chosen of God (SCP Foundation)
- The Children of the Scarlet King (SCP Foundation)
- The Church of the Broken God (SCP Foundation)
- The Serpent's Hand (SCP Foundation)
- The Factory (SCP Foundation)
- Gee-Oh-Eye Six-Six-Six-Five-Four/"People of the Lie" (SCP Foundation)
- Various SCP-5853-A Entities (SCP Foundation)
- The Sarkic Cult (SCP Foundation)
- Anyone who has information about SCP-2521 (SCP Foundation)
- Frederick Eaton/D-7645 (SCP Foundation)
- The Skateboard Contestant who summoned SCP-2014 (SCP Foundation)
- Vecna (Stranger Things)
- The Terrarian (Terraria); via the Celestial Sigil
- Lunatic Cultist (Terraria)
- Kyousuke (The Unexplored Summon://Blood-Sign)
- Anyone who says Gargaroth's name (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy); via grim's scythe
- God (The Prince of Egypt)
- Various Magic Users (The Dresden Files)
- Gilles de Rais (TYPE-MOON)
- Various Characters (World of Horror)
- Various characters (DC Comics)
- The Cult of the Unwritten Book
- Dorothy Spinner
Known Objects[]
- The Orbs (Amnesia)
- Beherits (Berserk)
- Augur of Ebrietas (Bloodborne)
- Necronomicon (Cast a Deadly Spell)
- Slide Projector (Control)
- Necronomicon (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Shining Trapezohedron (Cthulhu Mythos)
- The Hooks (Dead by Daylight)
- The Living Gate (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Necronomicon Ex-Mortis (Evil Dead)
- The Silver Surfer's Board (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
- The Journals (Gravity Falls)
- Interdimensional Portal (Gravity Falls)
- Lament Configuration (Hellraiser)
- SCP-1731 (SCP Foundation)
- The "Horroscope" Gateway (Marvel Comics)
- Necronomicon (Marvel Comics)
- The Darkhold (Marvel Comics/Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Sculk Shrieker (Minecraft)
- SCP-513 - A Cowbell (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-6033 (SCP Foundation)
- How-to-summon-a-god-safely Document (SCP Foundation)
- The 8 Pages (The Slender Man Mythos)
- The Black Book (Starkid’s Hatchetfield Universe)
- Necronomicon (Sucker for Love)
- Various Objects (Terraria)
- The Reaper's Scythe (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
- The Bad Book (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
- Prelati's Spellbook (TYPE-MOON)
- Necronomicon (Toaru Majutsu No Index)
Known Places[]
- SCP-1936 (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4315-1 (SCP Foundation)
- The Fault (Marvel Comics)
- The Great K'ythri (Marvel Comics)
- The Deep Dark (Minecraft)
- The Interdimensional Rift (Gravity Falls)
Known Rituals[]
- The One From Above Below and Beyond Ritual (Creepypasta)
- The Calling' Ritual (Sucker for Love)
- The 'Summon The All-Mother Ritual (Sucker for Love)