- "Now, Sword of Truth, fly swift and ensure, that evil die and good endure!"
- ― Flora (Sleeping Beauty)
The power to use magic via a sword. Variation of Magic Object. Opposite to Science Sword.
Also Called[]
- Blade/Sword Magic/Witchcraft/Wizardry
- Magic Blade
- Magic Sword Proficiency
- Magical Sword/Blade
User gains magical powers from a sword. They can be inherently magical, granting powers like spellcasting or augmentation, or act as an enhancement to the user’s own magical abilities.
- Enhanced Swordsmanship
- Magic
- Magic Bestowal
- Magic Weaponry
- Magical Blade Construction
- Magical Sword Proficiency
- Mystic Object
- Powerful Objects
- Powers Via Object
- Worthiness Enchantment
- Anti-Magic/Magic Destruction/Magic Immunity/Magic Negation
- May require specific sword.
- May be powerless without sword.
- Magic may have a price.
- Sword may be stolen.
- Strength of spells could be dependent on strength of magic.
- Power within sword may strain the user.
Known Users[]
See Also: Cool Sword.
- Fight King (Adventure Time)
- Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Boris Jineman (Children of the Rune)
- Dave (Dave the Barbarian)
- Justin Arthur/Shining Knight (DC Comics)
- Zatanna Zatara (DC Comics)
- Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana (DC Comics); via Soultaker Sword
- James Rook/Nightmaster (DC Comics)
- Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
- Ikaruga (Fairy Tail)
- Jerome (Fairy Tail)
- Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
- Kagura Mikazuchi (Fairy Tail)
- Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
- Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy Series)
- Wendy Sato (High Card); via "Love and Peace" card
- Users of Magic Swords (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Users of Enchanted Swords
- Users of Mystic Swords
- Enchanted Blade Users (Kagurabachi)
- Lotus Blade Users (Kim Possible)
- Monkey Fist
- Ron Stoppable
- Rufus
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Surtur (Marvel Comics)
- Dane Whitman/Black Knight (Marvel Comics)
- He-Man (Masters of the Universe)
- Fight King (Adventure Time)
- Haru Glory (Rave Master)
- Users of Sword of Dios (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
- Kyouichi Saionji
- Utena Tenjou
- Touga Kiryuu
- The Scotsman (Samurai Jack)
- Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu No Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Meliodas (Nanatsu No Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins)
- She-Ra (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
- Lion-O (Thundercats)
- Raimundo Pedrosa (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Zak Storm (Zak Storm)
- Lok Lambert (Huntik: Secrets & Seekers)
Known Objects[]
- Hellsword (Arrowverse)
- Excalibur (Arthurian Folklore)
- Zanpaktou (Bleach)
- Gonturan (The Blue Sword)
- The Sword Card (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Empyreal Sword (Charmed)
- Winterer (Children of the Rune)
- Sword of Sin (DC Comics)
- Sword of Salvation (DC Comics)
- All-Blades (DC Comics)
- Brave Sword (Dragon Ball series)
- Sword of Swanstantine (Ducktales 2017)
- Demonslayer (Exile/Avernum series)
- Falchion (Fire Emblem)
- Durendal (French Folklore)
- Makai Blade (Garo)
- Dáinsleif (Germanic Folklore)
- Gram (Germanic Folklore)
- Mimung (Germanic Folklore)
- Crystal Sword (Geronimo Stilton: The Hour of Magic)
- Sword of Damaskus (The Golden Blade)
- Tyrfing (Grand Chase)
- Sword of Gryffindor (Harry Potter)
- Ace of Spades "Love and Peace" (High Card)
- Heavenly Sword (Heavenly Sword)
- Holy Swords (Highschool DxD)
- Blade of Will ("Huntik: Secrets & Seekers")
- Vorpsal Sword (Jabberwocky)
- Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Japanese Folklore)
- Magic Swords (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Enchanted Swords
- Mystic Swords
- The five great Magic Swords of the continent
- Dazzling Dragon Sword
- Keyblades (Kingdom Hearts series)
- Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda)
- Sword of the Magical Elders (The Life & Times of Juniper Lee)
- Sword of Grayskull/Power Sword (Masters of the Universe)
- Metal Vessels (Magi Labyrinth of Magic)
- Onikirimaru (Ogre Slayer)
- Sword of Triton (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Teacher (Reincarnated as a Sword)
- Sword of Dios (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
- Relic of Destruction (RWBY)
- Nothung (The Ring of the Nibelung)
- The Scotsman's Sword (Samurai Jack)
- Jack's Katana (Samurai Jack)
- Egeking (Scottish Folklore)
- Sword of Protection (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
- The Sword of Light (The Slayers)
- The Sword of Shannara (The Sword of Shannara)
- Sword of Truth (The Sword of Truth)
- Sword of Daylight (Trollhunters)
- Various Magical Swords (Tolkienverse)
- The Black Sword (Ultima)
- Nightblood (Warbreaker)
- Callandor (The Wheel of Time)
The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Japanese Folklore/Mythology), one of three Imperial Regalia of Japan, represents the virtue of valor.
Demonslayer (Exile/Avernum series), a legendary enchanted sword capable of killing even high-tier demons and beings who augmented by infernal forces such as the evil sorcerer Garzahd.
The Sword of Gryffindor (Harry Potter) can magically appear to any worthy Gryffindor and since it was made from goblin-wrought silver, goblin steel, allowing the sword to absorb only that which strengthens it, such as the properties of Basilisk venom.
Dane Whitman, the Black Knight (Marvel Comic) wields his family's legendary cursed sword, the Ebony Blade.
Solomon 72 Djinns (Magi: Labyrinth of Magic) can transfer themselves from their original Metal Vessels into swords, enchanting them to use their Almighty Genie Magic…
Holy Swords such as Excalibur and Durandal (Highschool DxD) were forged using divine enhanced magic and alchemy, granting them immense holy powers and various mystical abilities ranging from purification to spatial manipulation.
The Lotus Blade (Kim Possible) is a mystical sword that can change into any other weapon if the user, like Ron Stoppable, Monkey Fist, or even Rufus, is exposed to the Mystical Monkey Power.
Kai Yee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) stole the Sword of the Magical Elders, which is a supremely powerful ancient weapon of great magical power.
Thanks to the Celtic runes and symbols on his sword, The Scotsman’s (Samurai Jack) claymore sword has magical properties that give it a variety of mystical powers that makes it one of the few weapons that were capable of matching Jack's Sword without breaking.
Tsumehirameki (Arifureta Sekai Saikyou) is the most powerful magic sword Hajime has created, having been enchanted with several Ancient Magic.
Chihiro Rokuhira (Kagurabachi) wields Enten, an enchanted katana infused with sorcery and possesses supernatural powers.