Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"That sword was used to separate our world from the demons."
― Dante on Yamato (Devil May Cry)

The ability to slice through dimensions, which allows one to in order to cut through anything. Technique of Dimensional Manipulation. Variation of Phase Cutting and Physical Disruption.

Also Called[]

  • Anti-Dimensional Slash/Cleaving/Slashing/Slicing/Splitting/Slitting/Amputating
  • Dimensional Blade/Cutter
  • Seabass nonceification


There are two known methods of this ability.

The first and simplest is the basic slash, merely slicing or otherwise tearing through a dimensional barrier in a manner akin to Spatial Slicing, whether through true Dimensional Manipulation or Raw Power, often cleaving asunder anything within the attacks range.

The second and more complicated method is for the user to rapidly shift themselves or their weapon between their originating "dimensional space/world" to another and back again, forming a "blade" that functions in a similar manner as a saw, and by passing this "multi-dimensional saw" through the target, such an effect causes the user to "delay one's existence from the dimension". The blade phases through the target while in an alternate dimension, and then because no two things can exist in the same place at the same time in the same dimension, this causes the targeted object to be destroyed by the blade without any resistance; in short, the technique delays one's existence from the dimension to pass through and destroy physical objects.

Anything caught in the tear will be bifurcated, and the "blade" cannot be blocked nor deflected by conventional means due to its nature. The sharpness of these dimensional energy blades are so sharp, that a simple graze can cause aggravating cuts.

At more advanced levels, user can project a tear in dimensional space for long-distance attacks, which creates a wave that distorts the dimensional barriers.

A user can also employ dimensional shifting to affect the bridges/walls which connect and cordon off or outright separate higher and lower planes of reality that alternate worlds (the quasiverse), creating tears to link these alternate worlds.




  • May not be able to cut through some materials.

Known Users[]



Video Games

  • Vergil (Devil May Cry); via Yamato
  • Chaos Kin (Kid Icarus: Uprising)

Live Television

  • Time Lords (Doctor Who); via technology
  • Daleks (Doctor Who); via technology

Known Objects[]





Video Games[]

