The power to use the abilities of a boggart. Combination of Goblin and Bogeyman Physiology. Negative counterpart version of Brownie Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Bogle Physiology
A user with this trait can take on the abilities of a Boggart or is one. A boggart is a troublesome spirit from English folklore that can vary from a household spirit akin to a hobgoblin or a genius loci linked to swamps, fields or other localized areas. The boggart is infamous for playing tricks on humans, often loving to scare and prank them; sometimes boggarts are cruel and will harm humans but usually they prefer to cause mischief rather than malice. This is not always the case however, and some Boggarts engage in much more malevolent acts such as kidnapping and killing children. As such, Boggarts are linked strongly with the Bogeyman and in many ways helped inspire the popular image of said Bogeyman in popular culture.
- Goblinoid Magic
- Demonic Magic
- Dimensional Travel
- Dream Manipulation
- Fear Magic
- Invisibility
- Intangibility
- Peak Human/Enhanced Condition
- Peak Human/Enhanced Body
- Peak Human/Enhanced Mind
- May be vulnerable to holy relics, prayers or rituals due to their wicked nature.
- May be weaker outside their realm of influence or grow weak when victims no longer fear them.
- May be vulnerable anti-fairy magic such as cold iron.
- If users are part Brownie, consuming honey will nullify their Boggart abilities.
Known Users[]
- Boggarts (English Folklore)
- Boggart (Harry Potter)
- Thimbletack (Spiderwick Chronicles); temporarily