- "And still she thirsted, and going to the Wells of Varda she drank them dry; but Ungoliant belched forth black vapours as she drank, and swelled to a shape so vast and hideous that Melkor was afraid."
- ― The Silmarillion
- "And time stopped. The atmosphere had plummeted several times in the ten odd minutes since everything had begun, but this time, it was on an entirely different level. The air didn't grow cold...It just stopped. Completely. The man who stepped into the manor then seemed to deny the very passage of time, seeming to take away not the air in their lungs but their very time itself. Even though he hadn't actually done anything except appear."
- ― Maria Barcelito describing Ronny Schiatto (Baccano)
- "Deep asleep is the king in me, the tyrants of earth will bow down, to this raging child. Empty vessels of this world will fear my name."
- ― The Enigma TNG - God Complex (Unused Lyrics)
The power to induce absolute horror in absolutely anyone. Perfect version of Fear Inducement.
Also Called[]
- Absolute Panic/Terror Inducement
- Meta Fear/Panic/Terror Inducement
- Omni-Fear/Panic/Terror Inducement
The user possesses the ability to instill absolute horror in anyone, regardless of their power or abilities. Even those who are transcendent beings or possess traits like Apathy, Indomitable Courage, Indomitable Will, or Tranquil Fear are susceptible to this overwhelming sense of terror induced by the user.
- Absolute Command/Absolute Domination: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear.
- Absolute Insanity Inducement: Making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatized.
- Discouragement: Cause others to run away from the user.
- Domination: Completely dominate others through fear.
- Fear Augmentation: Enhance any feelings of terror until the victim literally dies of fright.
- Fear Inducement: Evoke and increase fear and horror in others, causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals.
- Fearful Scream: Scream with fear echoing in every sound-wave.
- Menacing Presence: Intimidate by mere presence.
- Paralysis Inducement: Make the target literally 'paralyzed with dread'.
- Submission: Make the target give up and completely yield to the user.
- Unknown Inducement: Cause fear so powerful that others tune the user's presence out of sight and mind.
- Will Breaking: Users of this level of fear inducement nullify their enemies' determination, thus giving them a proportionate advantage over them and creating openings for attacks.
- Worship Inducement: Cause fear so powerful that others act with complete reverence towards the user.
- Bogeyman Physiology
- Despair Inducement
- Emotion Inducement
- Emotion Manipulation
- Fear Manipulation
- Horror Embodiment
- Mental Inducement
- Mental Manipulation
- Nonexistence
- Phobia-Initiated Ability Manifestation
- Surprise Inducement
- Transcendent Ghoul Physiology
- Omnipotent beings are immune.
- Users of Omni-Apathy, Omninescience, and Fathomless Mind are immune.
- Beings that cannot experience fear, such as those effected by bilateral amygdala destruction, are immune.
Known Users[]
See Also: The Dreaded and Supernatural Fear Inducer and Horrifying The Horror.
- Erebus Shajad (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- Ronny Schiatto (Baccano)
- Toepick's Species (Ben 10: Omniverse); when their face is revealed
- Nyx (Camp Half Blood series)
- Tartarus (Camp Half Blood series)
- Grand Zeno/Omni-King (Dragon Ball series)
- Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- The Bushbaby of Doom (George of the Jungle)
- Erebus/Scotus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Nyx/Nox (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Typhon (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Lord English (Homestuck)
- Old Lady/Granny Hempstock (The Ocean At the End of The Lane); when revealing her true form
- Death of the Endless (DC Comics)
- The Stepmother (Neverafter)
- Lily Carnation (One Piece)
- Talking Cat (Rick & Morty)
- Neverwere (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-729-j - Peep Peep, Motherfucker (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2006 - Too Spooky (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-8066 - Phobophobia: The Only Thing to Fear
- Pattern Screamers (SCP Foundation)
- The Shedim (Supernatural)
- Lilith (The Secret World)
- Magic God (Teen Titans Go!)
- Monkey King Bambina (Toriko); via his unsealed form
- Vigilent (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Abnormalities (Lobotomy Corporation)
- Cody Massacre (havok's embrace)
Known Locations[]
- Mansion of Night (Percy Jackson)
- Micmac Burial Ground (Pet Cemetery)
- The Hotel Prison (Doctor Who)
Known Objects[]
- Helm of Hades/Helm of Darkness (Riordan Verse)
- Left-Hand of Horror/Horror's Hand (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
- The Ornate Box (The Bad Guys Book Series)
The faces of Toepick's race (Ben 10: Omniverse) are so incomprehensibly scary, that even Celestialsapiens fear them.
Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist) can be infinitely scary. This is shown on various occasions, such as when sealing Father away.
As the Goddess of the Night, one of the Primordials, and the mother of Death itself, Nyx/Nox (Greco-Roman Mythology) was highly feared by everyone in the Greek pantheon. Even Zeus would swallow his pride rather than risk angering her.
Lord English (Homestuck) is an incredibly feared Demon, making his own author start panicking with his presence, even when armed with his weakness.
The Magic God (Teen Titans Go!) is feared for not only his judgments of other magicians, but also banishing most of them for all eternity.