The ability to prevent any/all errors. Technique of Error Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Mistake Prevention
The user can prevent any or all errors and mistakes that may happen in any situation, from weakness to problems to flaws and other things. The user can keep them from happening no matter what may happen.
- May lead to:
- Advantage Creation
- Attack Prevention
- Death Prevention
- Disaster Negation
- Error Detection
- Error Inducement
- Error Manipulation
- Event Denial
- Event Negation
- Problem Manipulation
- Weakness Detection
- Weakness Manipulation
- Weakness Removal
- May need to know know what mistakes may be possible before using this power.
- May be limited to the mistakes or errors of themselves or others.
- May not be able to be reversed.
Known Users[]
- Midnighter (DC Comics/Wildstorm)
- Eddie Gunman/The Swell (Marvel Comics)
- Isca the Unbeaten (Marvel Comics)
- Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel Comics)
- G████ O██████/SCP-181 - "Lucky" (SCP Foundation)
- Contessa (Worm)
Known Objects[]
- Felix Felicis (Harry Potter)
- Swell's Stick (Marvel Comics)
- Rabbit's Foot (Supernatural)