Superpower Wiki

The power to be the source of all envy. Source-power of Envy Embodiment. Sub-power of Omnimalevolence. Variation of Emotional Source and Primordial Envy Manipulation. Not to be confused with just Envy Embodiment.

Also Called[]

  • Envy Force/Source
  • The Force/Source of All Envy


The user is the source of absolute/perfect/primordial envy in every envious being everywhere, directly to cosmic/universal scales. Users being the binding existence together by the force/energy of envy. Giving the users instant and total dominion over all the powers of envy, covetousness, green-eyed monster, invidiousness, jealousy and resentment. As long as they exist all that is envy and everything connected to it does as well.

If the possibility exists that user ever were to die or be killed, then everything about envy would cease to exist alongside the user, making everyone incapable of feeling enviousness, everywhere.




  • Eternal Bond and Power Inheritance
    • The user cannot escape being the source of all lust without passing it to another, as their must always be a Lust.
  • If the user were to die or manage to be killed, all envy in the cosmos would stop and the user would die/vanish.
  • Benefic Force Manipulation

Known Users[]


  • Leviathan (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Phthonos (Greek Mythology)
  • Zelus (Greek Mythology)

