Superpower Wiki

"The best defense is a good offense."
― (Anonymous)
"No matter how many barriers you prepare, they will do you no good. My power is known as "The X-Axis". It fires no bullets. It merely penetrates anything and everything that lies between the cannon and its target."
― Lille Barro (Bleach)

The power to launch infinitely powerful attacks that cannot be counteracted by any means. Technique of Attack Manipulation. Opposite to Absolute Defense. Not to be confused with Omni Attacks or Ultimate Attacks.

Also Called[]

  • Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Attack


Users can manifest attacks immune to interception, reduction, counteraction, bypassing, negation, deflection, or manipulation by any known means, defenses, armaments, or immunity. This capability transcends physical limitations, deriving its effectiveness solely from the inherent properties of the attack itself.


  • All Offensive Powers
  • Absolute Strength: able to deal strength with immense amount of power.
  • Absolute Speed: The user able to deal speed with immense amount of power.
  • Absolute Destruction: utterly destroys the target regardless of its nature, origin or abilities.
  • Absolute Strike: the user is able to deal strikes with immense amounts of power.
  • Concept Destruction: destroy and negate conceptual defenses such as time and dimension to successfully hit the target.
  • Defense Bypassing: bypass and ignore all forms of defense, whether it be metal armor or dimensional barrier.
  • Defensive Damage: Inflict damage even while guarding.
  • Intangibility Cancellation: ignoring the fact that the target cannot be affected by attacks, the strike cannot be phased through.
  • Irreversible Destruction: true to the attack being "absolute", the effects and damage inflicted are also absolute, causing regeneration and reconstruction to fail.
  • Logic Independence: Attack with such potency that the action act independently of logic itself.
  • Omnipresential Attack: no matter what timeline the target is residing in, the attack will strike at all space-time locations, ensuring a successful hit at a time when they are vulnerable (i.e. before acquiring intangibility or immortality).
  • One Hit Kill: Because it is absolute power, the user's attack is amazingly powerful, enough to kill a human completely, especially a user with Immortality, or the Enhanced Healing Factor power.
  • Totality Attack: Attack the target anywhere/everywhere in existence.



Known Users[]


Comics/Graphic Novels

  • Kal-El/Superman (DC Comics)
  • Cosmic Armor Superman (DC Comics)
  • Superboy Prime (DC Comics)
  • Doomsday (DC Comics)
  • Darkseid (DC Comics)
  • Dr Manhattan (DC Comics)
  • Thor Odinson (Marvel Comics)
  • Adam Brashear/Blue Marvel (Marvel Comics)
  • GlyphX (NKOSI Publishing)


  • Flechette/Foil (Worm/Ward)

Video Games

  • Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue)
  • Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue)
  • Hakumen (BlazBlue)
  • Dante (Devil May Cry)
  • Vergil (Devil May Cry)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII series)
  • Clive Rosefield (Final Fantasy XVI)
  • Makoto Yuki (Persona 3); via Armageddon
  • Hoopa (Pokémon)
  • Reinhard Heydrich (Shinza Banshou series); via Longinuslanze Testament
  • Excalibur Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Solaris (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Arjuna (TYPE-MOON); via Pashupata
  • Cú Chulainn (TYPE-MOON); via Gae Bolg
  • Gilgamesh (TYPE-MOON); via Ea
  • Karna (TYPE-MOON); via Vasavi Shakti
  • Bernkastel (Umineko: When They Cry)
  • Chiester Sisters (Umineko: When They Cry)
  • Dlanor A. Knox (Umineko: When They Cry)
  • Virgilia (Umineko: When They Cry)
  • Sagittarius (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Muramasa/Minato Kageaki (Full Metal Daemon Muramasa); via Railgun Magatsu/Ugachi

Web Comics/Original

Known Objects[]

Known Powers[]

  • Ryūjin Jakka/Zanka no Tachi (Bleach)
  • Valhalla's Gate (Cautious Hero)
  • Flames of Purgatory (Code:Breaker)
  • Fiendfyre (Harry Potter)
  • Fish of the Supper (Toaru Majutsu no Index)




Video Games[]

Web Comics[]

