The ability to use energy to slice objects. Sub-power to Energy Attacks. Variation of Elemental Cutting.
Also Called[]
- Ergokinetic Cutting/Slice/Slicer
- Energy Slice/Slicer/Cleaving/Slashing/Slicing/Splitting/Slitting/Amputating
The user can project energy in a way that allows them to cut through matter from a distance. Although this attack does usually slashing damage, some users are able to focus it on a single piercing stab like an immaterial bullet.
- Blade Projection
- Ergokinetic Blade Construction
- Ergokinetic Claws
- Ergokinetic Sword Proficiency
- Energy Manipulation
- Pressure Manipulation
- Sharpness Manipulation
- Slash Effect
- Slash Projection
- Sword Beam Emission
- The amount of slicing may be dependent on the strength of the cutting power.
- May not be able to cut through some materials.
- May need a source of power.
- Absolute Invulnerability, Cutting Immunity and Flawless Indestructibility are perfect counters.
- Energy Immunity.
- Energy Absorption.
- Energy Negation.
Known Users[]
- Variation Users
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) projecting a slash of condensed spiritual energy with his Getsuga Tensho technique...
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach) using Desgarrón to create extremely long claws out of spiritual energy.
Krillin (Dragon Ball Z) creates the Destructo Disc, a bladed energy disc that can slice through solid rock.
Janemba (Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn) projecting his dimensional powers into his blade to slice through dimensional barriers.
Kang-lim Choi's (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment) Dual-Headed Blade.
Killer Bee/B (Naruto) utilizing electricity on his Super Vibrato Lightning Blades/Supervibrato Lightning Release Swords to create high frequency cutting power, easily cutting through targets.
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) infused his Chidori's lightning chakra into his blade for enhanced cutting power...
...and later uses the Inferno Style: Flame Control Jutsu to create a sword of black flames and project a wave of cutting fire.
Ameyuri Ringo (Naruto) wielding Lightning Blades the Fangs: Kiba, which are imbued with electricity, utilizing the high-frequency vibrations to form the sharpest swords amongst the seven.
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) uses Lightning Style: Lightning Transmission Jutsu to create a wire of electricity that slashes opponents.
The blades the Flat Sisters (Marchen Awakens Romance) create with their Ghost ÄRM, Scalpel is capable of firing energy blades.
When Pause's Ghost ÄRM, Verfile lands on the required side, General (Marchen Awakens Romance) can turn his hand into a harpoon that fires energy blades.