Superpower Wiki

The power to electrocute someone with a kiss. Sub-power of Electric Shock. Variation of Supernatural Kiss.

Also Called[]

  • Electrified Kiss
  • Lightning Kiss


The user is able to send electric shock waves from their lips into their victim from kissing them. This could essentially be deadly.




  • May be constantly active.
  • Useless against users of Electric Immunity and Electrical Absorption
  • User may not be fully immune
  • Could be dangerous to use around or in water - possibly harming user
  • Kissing requires the user to get very close to victim, putting them at easier risk.

Known Users[]

  • Leslie Willis/Livewire (Superman: The Animated Series)
  • Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning (Arrowverse/Black Lightning)
  • Jennifer Pierce/Lightning (Arrowverse/Black Lightning)
  • Victor Stone/Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!)
  • Haruka (Senran Kagura)
  • Barb Thunderman/Electress (The Thundermans)
  • Adam Noble (Witches of East End) as a ghost.