The ability to ignore elastic properties.
Also Called[]
- Elasticity Bypassing/Ignoring/Rejection
The user has the ability to defy and ignore elasticity. This means the user can bounce or deform themselves in ways they shouldn't be able to do, and they can prevent themselves from deforming or bouncing in the way they should if they want to.
- Bouncing
- Enhanced/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced/Supernatural Athleticism
- Enhanced/Supernatural Leap
- Enhanced/Supernatural Speed
- Elasticity
- Flowmotion
- Material Strength Defiance
- Stiffness Defiance
- Body Manipulation
- Newtonian Motion Defiance
- Physical Force Defiance
- Physical Force Immunity
- Property Defiance
- Property Manipulation
- Tension Force Defiance
- Unrestricted Movement
- May not be able to ignore elasticity completely.
- May have a time period as to long they can ignore elasticity.
- Can still be affected by other properties.
Known Users[]
- Flubber (Flubber)
- Monkey. D. Luffy (One Piece)