The ability to create effects when moving. Sub-power of Effect Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Effect Running
The user can cause effects on the ground or floor when walking, causing them to be affected in various ways. For example, producing heat when walking can melt dry or frozen surfaces, producing ice or cold could freeze water or cool lava, producing poison or filth could make the ground toxic or dangerous, etc.
- Cutting
- Dryness Inducement
- Electricity Generation
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism
- Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Walking
- Enhanced Speed
- Heat Generation
- Ice Generation
- Poison Generation
- Rot Inducement
- Sanitization
- Wetness Inducement
- Dashing
- Effect Generation
- Elemental Generation
- Flowmotion
- Object Manipulation
- Supernatural Mobility
- Surface Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- Wallrunning
- Wall Manipulation
- Effects may last for a limited time.
- May be limited to certain surfacrs.
Known Users[]
- Ice Kirby (Kirby)
- Various Characters (Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice)