The ability to project balls/spheres of draconic energy. Sub-power of Draconic Attacks. Variation of Ball Projection.
Also Called[]
- Draconic Ball Emission
- Draconic Orb/Sphere Emission/Projection
The user can create/project balls/spheres of draconic energy, with various effects, levels of damage, and size. These spheres can be projected, used as a part of melee attacks, orbit around the user, or ways of transportation.
- Concussive Force
- Energy Generation
- With practice, the user can have the balls orbit around them forming a defense barrier.
- May take time to create.
- May need to absorb or borrow energy from sources.
- May not be able to generate the energy on their own.
- Users of Draconic Immunity are immune.
Known Users[]
- Pokémon that can use "Dragon Pulse" (Pokémon)