The ability to switch the psyches with those from alternate dimensions. Sub-power of Dimensioskimming and Mind Exchange.
Also Called[]
- Dimensional Mind Switch/Exchange
- Multiversal Mind Switch
The user can switch the psyches of alternate versions of themselves or others in other dimensions/realities, essentially swapping the minds of a interdimensional/alternate reality version of another and renders the mind of the past version of another being trapped within the current version of their body.
- Alternate-Self Manipulation
- Dimensioskimming
- Dimensional Manipulation
- Multiversal Manipulation
- Universal Manipulation
- May be limited to affecting only themselves or others.
- Ineffective on those whose mindset and psyche has been unchanging in other dimensions.
Known Users[]
- Alexander Summers/Havok (Marvel Comics)
- Users of Traveling Movements (The OA)
- OA
- Homer
- Steve Winchell
- Hap
- Scott Brown
- Rachel
- Renate