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The power to manipulate continuums, conceptual series of successive entities that differ from one another by varying degrees.

Also Called[]

  • Causality Continuum (Future Diary/Mirai Nikki)
  • Continua Control/Manipulation
  • Continuous Series Control/Manipulation


The user can manipulate continuum, a conceptual series of successive entities that differ by varying degrees. Within the scope of the physical world and logic-based analyses, there exist various examples of entities that run along a particular scale, with opposing features at either end of their respective ranges and spectrums. They are often based on measurements, closely connected by similar characteristics but possessing distinct differences according to their place in their respective continuum.

Various types of continuums exist. One of the most well-known is the space-time continuum. This universe model combines the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) and the single dimension of time. These two conceptual entities are cleaved together to create a representation of the universe; this is further explained in general relativity, allowing for an understanding of reality’s makeup and nature. Another example is the electromagnetic spectrum. These ranges of electromagnetic radiation forms differ according to frequency or wavelength. They are part of the radiant energy based on the fundamental interaction of electromagnetism.

There also exist the concepts of mathematical continuums. One of the most basic is the set theory continuum. Set theory studies collections. Within this type of range exists real numbers (rational numbers like 1, 3, -9 and irrational numbers like √2 and π) and cardinal numbers. Numbers can go from the lowest value to the highest possible mathematical identity.

Along with physical and mathematical sciences, there are also incremental differences in biological organisms and communication. Speciation continuum deals with progressive alterations in genetics, morphology, and physiology that define different species as distinct living beings. This process, often starting with ancestral lines, creates different types of living beings. They can share similar aspects like appearance, geography, and behavior but have distinct genetically-based differences that distinguish their species. When it comes to communication, there is dialect/language continuum. This is where there are subtle differences in dialects/languages spoken in particular regions. As one travels further and further from particular locations, the aspects of the particular varieties become more and more noticeable. Though there may be a base communication form, there will be distinct styles and the same linguistic family.

Other forms of continuum exist (data development, skill acquisition, life experience, etc.), all of them having the nature of spanning a particular range according to their natures. One can create a particular continuum and all of its constituent aspects. An existing continuum can be controlled, allowing one to access its particular range. The extent of power can range from manipulating things like matter and energy to the whole of reality.






  • May only be able to manipulate certain continuums.
  • May require special medium to control continuums.
  • May only be able to control particular ranges within the continnums.

Known Users[]

