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Superpower Wiki

The power to dissolve any sort of organic cells. Sub-power of Cell Manipulation. Variation of Disintegration.


The user can dissolve any sort of organic cells, including plant, bone, or even fertile dirt and dissolve them, destroying them at a cellular or even protein level, allowing them to destroy their targets, either by a specific part or outright disintegration. They can also dissolve viral or germ-like cells & pathogens from their own body for self-treatment.

Users can even overpower all forms of cellular regeneration by disintegrating cells continuously, overwhelming and negating the healing process until there is nothing to regenerate from.




  • If the user is not careful and/or immune they may end up disintegrating their own body as well.
  • May require physical contact or implantation of poison into the target in order to disintegrate them.
  • If disintegration starts from the struck portion of the body, victims can amputate said portion before it spreads, assuming it did not start at a vital point.
  • If disintegration is only restricted to a certain portion of the body, then targets capable of regeneration can recover afterwards.
  • Ineffective against fully synthetic opponents, such as robots, or opponents composed of either raw energy or inorganic matter.

Known Users[]




  • Wither (Marvel)
  • Itchy (The Simpsons)

Live Television

  • Necrotic Inducement Alphas (Alphas)
    • Isaac Hale
  • Losira (Star Trek)

Video Games

  • Herrscher of the Corruption (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Web Original

  • SCP-734 - The Baby (SCP Foundation)
  • Johnny (Johny Johny Yes Papa/Billion Surprise Toys)

Known Weapons[]


