The power to generate bases/alkaline substances. Sub-power of Base Manipulation. Variation of Chemical Generation and Matter Creation. Opposite to Acid Generation.
Also Called[]
- Alkaline Substance Generation/Creation
- Base Creation
The user can generate bases and other alkaline substances, controlling the pH levels of the material to make anything from weak bases to highly caustic examples.
- The user may only be able to create certain type of base.
- The user may not have control over generated bases.
- May only be able to generate certain amount of bases.
Known Users[]
- Rex Mason/Metamorpho (DC Comics)
- Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique Users (Naruto)
- Kurotsuchi (Naruto)
- Kyūsuke (Naruto)
- Saiken/Its Jinchūriki (Naruto)
- Gigantamax Kingler (Pokémon)
- Computron (Transformers)