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"But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there."
― Narrator (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)

The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of an enchantress. Variation of Magician.

Also Called[]

  • Enchanter (Male)


As an archetype, an enchantress is a sorceress or a witch, or even a female supernatural being that represents or has studied the mystic arts for higher seductive and transformative magic. These types of magicians are considered seducers and can be considered tricksters in magical circles. Mostly, these types of sorcerers are always considered good or neutral; however, on rare occasions, this is not always the case.

Enchanters are the male version of enchantresses; however, actual male enchanter sorcerers and warlocks/wizards are extremely rare and hardly ever seen.

Universally, the definition of an 'enchanter' varies. Some enchanters have extraordinary beauty and are capable of enrapturing others in a vulnerable state. Other enchanters are endowed with the ability to charm objects through the use of spoken words or other occult items such as wands or certain talismans.

Enchanters and enchantresses are masters of mind magic. They are said to have an incredible charisma and are very persistent. When using their abilities, they can persuade nearly anyone Enchanters can manipulate the mind. They make others think and act differently then they nomally would. They can make someone feel unimaginable levels of lust. This makes it next to impossible to resist them. Also, enchanters can convince others to do anything that they want. They do this by getting into thirt head and making them think that they need to do what enchantress say.

Enchanters and enchantresses were among the most powerful of magical beings, but not for the reasons one would expect. Enchantresses' spells tended to concentrate on beauty enhancement, and mind-control. They were all extremely beautiful and used their beauty and magic to extract money and information from their victims. Along with magic, enchantresses seem to all be breathtakingly beautiful. Every enchantress mentioned or well known is said to be is said to be stunning. Part of their magic is catching the eyes of anyone in a room with them and keeping their attention for as long as they are present. Because of this, they tend to be beautiful.

Usually, enchanters are bestowed with the power to shapeshift or at least glamour (an illusory disguise) to hide their true forms. Enchanters also may even be able to transform others into virtually almost anything while other more potent enchanters are able to succeed in casting powerful spells or curses.

Associated Powers[]



Known/Example Characters[]

See Also: Enchanter

Card Game[]

  • Enchantress (Dungeons & Dragons)
  • Enchantress (Magic: The Gathering)


  • June Moone (DC Comics); as host for the Enchantress.
  • The Enchantress (DC Comics)
  • Amora/Enchantress (Marvel Comics)


  • Morgan Le Fay (Arthurian Legend)
  • Melusine (European Folklore)
  • Circe (Greek Mythology)
  • Medea (Greek Mythology)
  • Mohini (Hindu Mythology)
  • Lilith (Jewish Folklore)
  • Gamayun (Russian Folklore)
  • Huldra (Scandinavian Folklore)
  • Alkonost (Slavic Mythology)
  • Sihuanaba (South American Folklore)


  • Agathe/The Enchantress (Beauty and the Beast franchise)
  • The Evil Enchantress (Charmed); elemental magics.


Video Games/RPG[]

  • Aiushtha (Defense of the Ancients)
  • Enchantress (EverQuest)
  • Lauzoril (Forgotten Realms)

Web Comics[]

  • Nale (The Order of the Stick)


