Superpower Wiki

The archetype for characters who possess traits of or are angels of the earth. Archetype of Angel Physiology. Variation of Elemental Angel. Member of the Virtues Angels. Opposite to Earth Demon.

Also Called[]

  • Angels of the Earth
  • Geo-Angels


As an archetype, an earth angel is an angel who represents or is associated with the forces of the earth, plant life, dirt, mud, stones, the sands, and even natural disasters like earthquakes. These type of angels are usually positive entities with holy and divine powers, however darker angels can also possess destructive aspects of the earth like those of the fallen angels.

Earth angels are naturally very grounded, highly sensitive and empathic towards living beings, and also love to bestow great gifts to others in their time of aid, feeling a great need to be of service and giving support to humans in need. They also possess the ability to see the best in people, with natural optimism. While those of the fallen do the complete opposite of their original charge, becoming cold and apathetic towards living beings, seeking only to trick them and lure them away from the side of good, and down the path of evil.

Associated Powers[]




Known/Example Characters[]


  • Fallen Angel of Roses (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Queen Angel of Roses (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Rosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel (Yu-Gi-Oh!)


  • Beburos (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Uriel (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Zuriel (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Belphegor (Christianity); fallen angel and now an earth demon.
  • Lucifer/Satan (Christianity); fallen angel
  • Ariel (Hebrew Mythology)


  • Gressil (Ghost Rider); fallen angel/demonic angel.



