The character is a cyber demon. A character with Demon Physiology who has extensive cyberspace powers and skills. Opposite to Archetype:Cyber Angel.
Also Called[]
- Computer/Digital/Digitized Demon/Daemon/Devil
Characters are cyber demons, daemons, or devils. They may be one of many Demon Physiologies, and they have adapted to exploit cyberspace, the global network of computers, information technology infrastructures, telecommunications networks and data storage systems.
Cyber demons will have learned how to adopt a Digital Form to enter electronic devices and travel through cyberspace. In turn, allowing them to interact with electronics and/or machines and sometimes possess them while in demon-like form and granting machines with demonic power.
- Corruption Manipulation
- Cyberpresence
- Demonic Force Manipulation
- Demonic Technology
- Evil Empowerment
- Evil Manipulation
- Sin Manipulation
- Can be manipulated.
- Weak to Data Absorption and Data Erasure.
- Weak to Angelic Force Manipulation.
- May be shut down by EMP.
- Backup may be destroyed.
- Susceptible to other users of Technology Manipulation.
Known Users[]
- Unchained (Chronicles of Darkness/Demon: The Descent)
- X.A.N.A. (Code Lyoko)
- Demon Beast Digimon (Digimon)
- Demon Dragon Digimon (Digimon)
- Demon God Digimon (Digimon)
- Demon Lord Digimon (Digimon)
- Demon Man Digimon (Digimon)
- Devil Digimon (Digimon)
- Fernex Daemons (Exterminatus Now!)
- L-Cypher (Marvel Comics)
- Succubus (The Matrix)
- EraseMan.EXE/KillerMan.EXE (MegaMan Battle Network)
- Hellion (Pathfinder)
- Lislaroths (Hacker Devils) (Starfinder)
- Demonic Servants (Sword Art Online)
- Evil Gods (Sword Art Online)