The archetype of a character who is an alpha demon. Variation of Alpha with Demon Physiology. Not to be confused with Archdemon Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Demon Lady/Lord
- High-Level Demon
The user with this ability either is or can transform into an alpha demon of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, great dominion over demons and minions, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. On top of their gargantuan personal power, they usually rule over their hellish kingdom and its legions of unholy horrors if they are Archdemons, making them some of the most dangerous threats to civilized communities and the world at large.
Associated Powers[]
- Dark Power
- Demon Lordship
- Demon Physiology/Superior Demon Physiology/Transcendent Demon Physiology
- Archetype:Dark Lord
- Archetype:Demon Sorcerer
- Archdemon Physiology
- Archetype:Ascended Demon Lord
- Genie Lord Physiology
- Archetype:Prime Being
- Satanic Entity
- Satanic Incarnation
- May be vulnerable to ascending from disgrace.
Known Users[]
See Also: Demon Lords and Archdevils.
- Baphomet (Abrahamic Folklore/Thelema)
- The God Hand (Berserk)
- Lucifero (Black Clover)
- Aion (Chrono Crusade)
- The Sovereign (Darkness/Top Cow)
- Belial Aensland (Darkstalkers)
- Maelstro (Deathbuldge: Battle of the Bands)
- 72 Demons of Solomon (Demonology)
- Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Ghoulmon (Digimon)
- GranDracmon (Digimon)
- Gulfmon (Digimon)
- MaloMyotismon/BelialVamdemon (Digimon)
- Arch-Viles (Doom)
- Barons of Hell (Doom)
- Kronos (Doom RPG)
- Guardian of Hell (Doom 3)
- Vagaries (Doom 3)
- Berserk Hunter (Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil)
- Helltime Hunter (Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil)
- Invulnerability Hunter (Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil)
- Mother Demon (Doom 64)
- Kuma (Devil Hunter Yohko)
- Kings of the Demon Realm (Dragon Ball series)
- Mira (Dragon Ball series)
- Mechikabura (Dragon Ball Heroes)
- Fu (Dragon Ball series)
- Demigra (Dragon Ball series)
- Lu/Ciel (Elsword)
- Demon King (Fablehaven)
- Gorgrog
- Orogoro
- Mard Geer Tartaros (Fairy Tail)
- Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail); as E.N.D.
- Demon Lords (Forgotten Realms)
- Demon King (Hardcore Leveling Warrior)
- Hoi
- Sik
- Ge Des
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior; via Soul of the Demon King and Nightmare
- Sadao Maou (Hataraku Maou-sama)
- Seven Deadly Sins (Helluva Boss)
- 72 Pillars (Highschool DxD)
- Extra Demons (Highschool DxD)
- Lucifuge Clan
- Nebiros Clan
- Mephisto Pheles
- Gressil (Highschool DxD)
- Sonneillon (Highschool DxD)
- Verrine (Highschool DxD)
- Balberith (Highschool DxD)
- Diablo (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Krebskulm (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Modinaram (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- The Ten Kings (League of Legends)
- Lilith (Marvel Comics)
- Overlords (Nippon Ichiverse)
- Demiurge (Overlord)
- Archdevils (Pathfinder)
- Demon Lords (Pathfinder)
- Four Horsemen (Pathfinder)
- Pyrichiel (Realms of the Haunting)
- Basara Toujou (Shinmai Maou no Testament)
- Leohart (Shinmai Maou no Testament)
- Naruse Mio (Shinmai Maou no Testament)
- Ariel (So I'm a Spider, So What?)
- Baran (Solo Leveling)
- Demon Bird Jean (Star Ocean Ex)
- Coronzon (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Knights of Hell (Supernatural)
- Cain
- Abaddon
- Dean Winchester; temporarily
- Ogre (Tekken)
- The Octagram (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- Guy Crimson
- Milim Nava
- Ramiris
- Dagruel
- Ruminas Valentine
- Dino
- Leon Cromwell
- Rimuru Tempest
- Vandalieu (The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want A Fourth Time)
- Demise (The Legend of Zelda)
- Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda)
- Kordoth (The Life & Times of Juniper Lee)
- Inter-Fiend Cooperation Commission (The Order of the Stick)
- Demon King (The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Demon Lord (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Demon Lords (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Calamity
- Calamity's Eight Demon Ministers (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Demise
- Vielle
- Sucia
- Daemon Princes (Warhammer)
- Daemon Primarchs (Warhammer 40,000)
- Buffalo Belzer (Wendell and Wild)
- Ezekyle Abaddon (Warhammer 40,000)
- Chainsaw Devil (Chainsaw Man)
- Marneao (My Best Friend Marneao)
- Roy/Osiris (Custom Made Demon King)
- Demon Lords (Custom Made Demon King)
See Also[]
For fan-fictional to non-canon characters, see here.
While not a Demon Lord himself, GranDracmon (Digimon) is nonetheless a Demon Beast of such power and influence that even the Seven Great Demon Lords cannot interfere with it.
Arch-viles (Doom) are powerful, high-ranking demons that can command Hellfire and even resurrect other demons.
As the daughter of the former Demon Lord, Mio Naruse (Shinmai Maou no Testament) inherited his demonic power, on top of her own demonic power comparable to his own, having the potential to inherit the throne.
Basara Toujou (Shinmai Maou no Testament) as the biological son of the Sapphire, the younger sister of the Demon Lord, Wilbert inherited her demonic power.
Cain (Supernatural) is the founder and trainer of the Knights of Hell, being more powerful than all of them combined and was even able to single-handedly kill all of them except for Abaddon.
As a Knight of Hell, Abaddon (Supernatural) was one of the oldest and most powerful of demons to ever exist.
To revive his subordinates who had been murdered in a war with Falmuth, Rimuru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) was forced to annihilate the opposing kingdom's army, allowing to ascend and gain the title of Demon Lord.
Known as the Demon Gremory in the Ars Goetia Runeas Gremory (Highschool DxD) is one of the first generation 72 Pillars Devil Lords born from the Primordial Archdemoness Lilith and the progenitor ancestor of the Gremory Clan.
Sirzechs Lucifer (Highschool DxD) is the first Transcendent Devil of the Gremory Clan with powers surpassing the Original Satans.
Zeoticus Gremory (Highschool DxD) father of Sirzechs and Rias is the current head of the Gremory Devil Lord Family
Ajuke Astaroth (Highschool DxD) is the first Transcendent Devil of the Astaroth Clan with powers surpassing the Original Satans.
The Agares Clan (Highschool DxD) is the second highest-ranking of the 72 Pillars Devil Lord Families ranking at Archduke.
The Bael Clan (Highschool DxD) is highest ranking of the 72 Pillars Devil Lord Families ranking at Great King
Venelana Bael (Highschool DxD) is the most powerful Devil the Bael Clan has ever produced, from her lineage that her son Sirzechs the Gremory first Transcendent Devil was born.