Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to utilize practices that are anti-energetic in nature. Variation of Anti-Power Arts and Supernatural Arts. Opposite to Energy Arts.

Also Called[]

  • Anti-Energy Techniques
  • Anti-Force Energy Arts/Techniques
  • Antimatter Energy Arts/Techniques


The user can utilize the Anti-Energy Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around anti-energetic power. Anti-energy, which can destabilize and/or destroy different types of energy, can exist as its own supernatural force or be derived from other sources like antimatter and antiparticles. Since this power allows one to annihilate dynamic essences, it can be an incredibly powerful and dangerous power to wield. One can engage in training to better understand and control it for various ends. The anti-energy can be used to create various constructs like appendages, armor or weapons. It can be used for offensive attacks to strike down an opponent, being particularly effective against energy-based targets. A user can even learn to draw sustenance from it and its sources. By mastering anti-energy, one can learn to master all countermeasures related to energy itself.





Known Users[]
