- "It's a bit to angelic for my tastes."
- ― Naomi Armitage (Armitage III)
The power to transform living beings into angels. Variation of Conversion. Opposite to Demonization. Not to be confused with Angel Creation.
Also Called[]
- Angelic Form (Oneself Only)
- Angelification
- Angel Inducement
User can transform oneself or others into angels or angelic hybrids, granting them angelic abilities and/or traits.
- Angel Creation
- Angelic Physiology
- Conversion
- Divine Empowerment
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Good Empowerment
- Halo Generation
- Holy Gift
- Positive Forces Manipulation
- May be limited to certain type of angel.
- Process may be extremely painful.
- May be irreversible.
- Can be undone with Conversion Negation.
- Weak against Angel Manipulation.
- May need existing beings to transform into angels.
- Won't work on users with Conversion Immunity
Known Users[]
See also: Angelic Transformation.
- The Goddess/Setsuna (Angel Tales)
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII franchise)
- Michael (Highschool DxD)
- Mikael (I'm Gonna Be an Angel!)
- Ginta Toramizu (Marchen Awakens Romance); limited to Babbo
- Raziel (The Shadowhunter Chronicles); via Blessed Blood
- Mastema (Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey)
- Sephiroth (Smash Bros. Ultimate)
- Minos (Sora no Otoshimono)
- God (Supernatural); via Conversion Resurrection
- Jack Kline (Supernatural)
- Mithos Yggdrasil (Tales of Symphonia)
- Sigmar Heldenhammer (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar); via Stormcast Eternals
- Michael (Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell)
- Kanon Kanase (Strike The Blood); Via Angel Circuits/Angel Faux
Known Objects[]
- Brave Saints (Highschool DxD)
- Cruxis Crystals (Tales of Symphonia)
After the then-human Castiel was killed by Lucifer, God (Supernatural) not only resurrected him but made him an angel again, specifically a Seraph.
Ginta (Marchen Awakens Romance) turns his ÄRM, Babbo into an angelic woman when he activates Version 4 - Alice.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy Franchise, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) has two evolutions of Angelization, from his "One Winged Angel" form...