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The power to possess or have traits of an agathodaemon. Variation of Transcendent Spirit (Daemon-type). Version of Personal Deity and Guardian Angel. Minor combination of Fate, Fertility, Fortune, Harvest, Health, Household, Pastoral, Protector, Wealth and Wisdom Deity. Pantheon members of Greek Deity. Form of Spirit Advisor and Psychopomp. Opposite of Cacodemon Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Agathos Daemon Mimicry/Physiology
  • Companion Daimon of Personal Destines, Good Luck, Wealth, Health, the Harvest, Fertility, Protection, Wisdom and the Home
  • Goodly or Rich Spirit
  • Greek Noble Spirit Mimicry/Physiology
  • Personal Guardian Spirit Mimicry/Physiology


The users with this ability either are or can transform into an agathodaemon. They are companion spirits, supernatural and minor deities to the Greeks. This type of spirit represents and is associated with personal destines, good luck, wealth, health, the harvest, fertility, protection, wisdom and the home. They also have a known enemy; the cacodemon, who are spirits always out to undo whatever the agathodaemon does to help those in their charge Agathodaemons have different powers and they also have been described as defenders, guardians or protectors of people.




Known Users[]

