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Pokémon Wiki

Zygarde Cube is an item introduced in Generation VII.


Sun and Moon[]

It is used to obtain Zygarde Cells and Cores of to eventually assemble one of Zygarde's forms in Route 16. Depending on which Core the player has found, it can also teach Core Enforcer, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves to Zygarde.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon[]

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Sword and Shield[]

The Zygarde Cube gives two options when used on a Zygarde:

  1. To change between 10% and 50% Formes, while keeping its Ability.
  2. To change its Ability between Aura Break and Power Construct, while keeping its Forme.


Games Description
An item to store Zygarde Cores and Cells. You can also use it to teach Zygarde moves.
An item in which Zygarde Cores and Cells are gathered. You can also use it to change Zygarde's forms.


Games Location
SM Heahea City (given by Dexio and Sina shortly after arrival)
USUM Route 16 (from Dexio after capturing Zygarde)
Stow-on-Side bargain (if the player owns a Zygarde)