The Legend of Thunder (Japanese: ポケットモンスタークリスタル ライコウ雷の伝説, Hepburn: Pocket Monsters Crystal: Raikou—Kaminari no Densetsu, trans. Pokémon Crystal: Raikou—The Legend of Thunder) is a special episode. In the dub, it was split into three episodes for Pokémon Chronicles.
A young Trainer named Jimmy and his Typhlosion are on a Pokémon journey, and their latest Pokémon battle results in victory over another Trainer and his Hitmonlee. Meanwhile, Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun have arrived at a Team Rocket base to view the Miracle Crystal. This invention can store electric energy and attract it as well—including Electric-type Pokémon. Jimmy, still on his journey, visits a Pokémon Center and he runs into an old friend, Marina, in the middle of a video conversation with their mutual friend Vincent. Marina wants to be a Trainer and a star performer, but when Jimmy tells her that's impossible, Marina challenges him to a 2-on-2 battle!
For the first round, Marina uses her Jigglypuff and Jimmy goes with his Beedrill. Jigglypuff's dance training does come in useful, but Beedrill wins the round. Next it's Marina's Croconaw against Jimmy's Typhlosion, but a strange lightning storm interrupts the battle. Marina's Misdreavus flies towards the storm, so she and Jimmy give chase. They catch up with Misdreavus at the source of the storm: Team Rocket's Miracle Crystal! Attila and Hun used it to stun all the Electric Pokémon drawn by its energy, and now they're just scooping up the stunned Pokémon.
Before Jimmy and Marina can stop them, another blast of lightning signals the presence of a powerful Pokémon nearby. The Legendary Raikou appears on a nearby peak, and it's angry! To protect the wild Pokémon, it attacks Attila and Hun, but the Team Rocket agents don't even blink. Every bolt of Raikou's lightning is simply absorbed by the Miracle Crystal, and the Crystal turns that energy back on Raikou with enough power to stun it. Now Attila is ready to capture it, but Jimmy confronts Team Rocket and tells them to leave Raikou alone—or else![1]
Jimmy has confronted Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun, who are about to capture Raikou with the help of the electricity-absorbing Miracle Crystal device. Attila and Hun send out Skarmory and Steelix, catching Typhlosion in a Sandstorm attack and hitting it with Steel Wing. Jimmy's friend Marina sends in her Misdreavus for support, and Jimmy sends his Beedrill to damage Attila's capturing robot. Team Rocket finally retreats, leaving behind the injured Raikou. But even though Jimmy just wants to help, Raikou won't let anyone get close until it finally collapses and is taken to the Pokémon Center.
Even at the Pokémon Center, Raikou resents being in captivity. A strange man in a cape runs in to see Raikou for himself—his name is Eugene, and although he promises to help protect Raikou, he knows it's suspicious of people. In fact, the next morning, Raikou breaks out of the Center as soon as it wakes up, and Eugene grabs Jimmy and Marina to follow it in his car. Team Rocket has set up another Miracle Crystal trap and Raikou is headed straight for it! Hun uses Steelix to provoke Raikou into using up even more electrical energy, but Jimmy, Marina, and Eugene are soon on the scene.
Steelix turns its attacks on the Trainers, but Jimmy and Marina's friend Vincent appears and saves the day with his Meganium. The Crystal's absorption powers have exhausted Raikou, but Typhlosion, Meganium, and Marina's Misdreavus can disrupt the Crystal's energy field if they all attack it at once. Despite their efforts, Attila quickly grabs Raikou and Team Rocket takes off. When the dust settles, Marina is missing as well! She was grabbed by accident, and now she's with Raikou in the cargo hold of Team Rocket's ship. When Raikou's struggles dislodge a floor panel, Marina disrupts the ship's wiring and opens the cargo hold doors. Raikou escapes, but Marina is still inside the ship... and Team Rocket knows exactly what's going on![2]
With their friend Marina in Team Rocket's clutches, Jimmy and Vincent are in a panic. Jimmy remembers that Vincent can call Marina on her Poké Gear, but Hun has already taken it from her. However, Vincent can still trace the call to find Marina, and not a moment too soon: Team Rocket is setting up another Miracle Crystal trap for Raikou. Jimmy, Vincent, and Eugene find Team Rocket only moments before Raikou does, and this time, Raikou pounds the area with lightning while staying out of the Crystal's range. In the Chaos, Jimmy sends his Beedrill to rescue Marina by flying her out of Team Rocket's grasp.
Raikou purposely smashes the Crystal's control unit, but Team Rocket still doesn't look beaten. With the controls gone, the Crystal is on auto-destruct mode, sucking in energy until it explodes—and it latches onto Raikou, leaving it helpless! Eugene has a risky idea: break open the Crystal's field to rescue Raikou before the Crystal can explode. Jimmy's Typhlosion, Vincent's Meganium, and Marina's Misdreavus all volunteer to take the risk, and they charge the Crystal's energy field. At the same time, Eugene sends out his Alakazam to watch their backs, and Team Rocket sends out a Muk to make the battle even harder!
Even as Hun's Steelix attacks the Trainers, they order their Pokémon to concentrate on saving Raikou. Jimmy manages to trick Steelix into falling off a cliff, but it soon comes roaring back out of the ground! It lunges at the Pokémon trying to free Raikou, but Jimmy, Marina, and Vincent throw themselves in front of their Pokémon to protect them. When Raikou sees this, it blasts its way out of the Crystal's energy field to stop Steelix, then breaks the Crystal into pieces as Team Rocket flees for good. Raikou seems to realize that some people don't mean it any harm, and as it returns to the wild, Jimmy waves goodbye—as a friend![3]Episode plot[]
Two trainers meet on a battlefield, ready for a one-on-one battle. One of the trainers sends Hitmonlee, while his opponent a Typhlosion. Hitmonlee starts with Jump Kick, though Typhlosion blocks the attack. Hitmonlee uses Rolling Kick, hitting Typhlosion. The opponent, however, is surprised Typhlosion is still standing, so Typhlosion's trainer claims he and Typhlosion learned some things through the solo matches. Hitmonlee goes to use Mega Kick, but gets burned and defeated by Typhlosion's Flamethrower. The trainer is pleased and high-fives Typhlosion for the victory. The opponent is sad, but promises to the trainer he will learn from this defeat. The boys, before leaving, exchange their Pokégear numbers. Many Pokémon live in the area, but there is a special, strong one, named Raikou.
A Team Rocket plane flies over the area and lands on a platform. A scientist greets the two members, Hun and his new partner, Attila, who come out of the plane. The scientist shows them a crystal, which is supposed to control electricity itself. The scientist orders his team a demonstration: they release electricity, which is absorbed into the crystal. The scientist claims no matter how powerful the electricity is, the crystal will attract and absorb it. Hun and Attila know well they will use the crystal to gain unlimited power, a fact which the scientist believes it will work. Elsewhere, Typhlosion's trainer, Jimmy, travels on the road and finds the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy heals Jimmy's Pokémon and advises he could stay and relax a bit, since the next town is quite far away. Jimmy takes Nurse Joy's advice and grooms Typhlosion, who thinks it did well today in the battle.
Suddenly, Jimmy hears a girl, who talks to a person named Jackson how well she performed in the battle show with Misdreavus, who looks at Jimmy and Typhlosion. Jackson sees Jimmy and tells to the girl he came. The girl is glad Jimmy is here, who blushes at seeing the girl, Marina. Marina greets Typhlosion, who evolved from Cyndaquil Prof. Elm gave to Jimmy. Marina goes to hang up, but Jackson stops her, as he wants to talk to Jimmy. Jimmy leans in and Jackson claims Marina is his girlfriend. Jimmy starts blushing, claiming he has no crush on Marina and hangs up on Jackson. Later, as Misdreavus and Typhlosion are eating, Marina asks Jimmy for his Pokégear number. Jimmy claims he is not much one for telephone calls, even if Marina claims Jimmy missed her. Marina asks Jimmy does he notice anything different on her. Jimmy claims he doesn't, upsetting Marina, since someone even claimed she looked like a supermodel.
Jimmy sees Marina still wants to become an actress, so Marina goes to recite a poem she wrote, but Jimmy does not want to hear it. Marina thinks Jimmy is afraid of her, or at least she believes Jimmy has a crush on her. Jimmy denies that, even if Typhlosion is smiling at Jimmy, knowing that is not the truth. Marina decides to talk about training, letting Jimmy know that every battle she had wanted to make it a performance. She wants to keep people and Pokémon happy and have fun, feeling it makes her happy as well. Jimmy reminds Marina of the kids in the neighborhood back home, admitting he wants to become a great Pokémon trainer to help them out. Marina thinks if Jimmy trains hard enough, he can become even stronger than the Champion, Lance. Jimmy doubts that, but Marina shows Jimmy a notebook, in which stamps of Lance are placed. Marina hopes she can team up with Lance and become stars of the planet.
Jimmy reminds Marina being a trainer and a star are two different things. Marina doubts that and to prove that, she decides to battle Jimmy. Jimmy goes to claim to be a one-on-one, but Marina chooses a two-on-two battle. Marina sends Little Pink, a Jigglypuff, while Jimmy sends Beedrill. Marina recognizes Beedrill, since Jimmy caught it as a Weedle and had it evolve. Little Pink uses Sing, but Beedrill uses Agility, using its wings to repel the sound waves made by sing. Beedrill uses Twinneedle, but Little Pink inflates itself, causing itself to float. Jimmy wonders why Jigglypuff dodged the move, so Marina admits Little Pink went through hours of rehearsal of dancing. Beedrill uses Pin Missile, hitting Little Pink, who is defeated. Marina calls Little Pink back. Jimmy asks Marina not to have Pokémon dance anymore, since it is embarrassing to watch, but Marina thinks Jimmy is joking.
Marina sends Wani-Wani, a Croconaw. Jimmy sends Typhlosion, for even if it has a type disadvantage, Typhlosion and Jimmy want to challenge themselves to learn more. Marina thinks they are being overblown, but notices a storm approaching. To finish the battle quickly, Wani-Wani uses Water Gun on Typhlosion, who endures the attack and strikes with Quick Attack. Before the attack, lightning strikes. Jimmy and Marina watch the clouds, seeing this is no ordinary lighting. Suddenly, the Pokémon go in a direction, so Jimmy calls Typhlosion back and Marina her Wani-Wani. However, Little Miss goes into the woods, so Jimmy and Marina go after her. Elsewhere, Team Rocket set up the crystal. Attila notices on the radar the Pokémon are coming. Hun asks if "the one is here" and is told it has not arrived yet. Attila asks if "the one" even exists, since it is only reported to exist within legends and stories. Hun thinks that as well, but it is said that Pokémon arrives to help other ones in need.
Attila goes to take some Pokémon. A Raichu emits electricity to attack Attila and his machine, but the electricity is absorbed into the crystal, which hits every Pokémon around with electricity. Little Miss comes and finds Team Rocket. Marina grabs Little Miss and, along with Jimmy, sees these crimes Team Rocket had done and decide to fight them. Hun claims Attila should be subtle and do something to make sure "the one" appears faster. With a flash of thunder, a Raikou appears, so Jimmy and Marina see Raikou is not just a mere legend. Raikou rescues the Pokémon and faces Team Rocket. Jimmy and Marina notice Team Rocket members aren't scared of Raikou at all. Attila releases the cuffs to grab Raikou, who dodges. Raikou uses Thunder, but the electricity is absorbed by the crystal. Hun and Attila are pleased, as the crystal will absorb electricity and soon they will use the electricity to strike at Raikou.
Raikou repeats the attack, though the crystal absorbs the power. Raikou repeats the attack, which causes the crystal to repel the attack back to Raikou, hurting it. After a while, Raikou is too exhausted and falls down. Attila goes to catch Raikou, but Jimmy appears, ordering Raikou to be left alone. Attila and Hun claim Raikou is theirs and advise Jimmy to leave. Jimmy does not listen to them and sends Typhlosion, while Attila his Skarmory and Hun her Steelix. Hun warns Jimmy once more to leave, but Jimmy is determined not to leave Raikou to them. Jimmy chose to fight Team Rocket. Typhlosion uses Flamethrower, but Steelix uses Sandstorm, negating the attack and hitting Typhlosion. Jimmy is counting on Typhlosion, as they have to save Raikou. Typhlosion makes some steps towards Steelix, although Skarmory uses Steel Wing, hitting Typhlosion, hitting it badly. Since the battle is over for Jimmy, Attila powers the machine, using the crystal to emit electricity to hurt Raikou badly. Marina sends Little Miss, so Steelix goes to use Bite. However, Little Miss uses Perish Song, which hurts Steelix and Skarmory, but also the user, Misdreavus. Attila goes after Raikou, so Jimmy sends Beedrill, who damages the machine using Pin Missile. Seeing they can't transport Raikou, Hun and Attila decide to retreat. Attila releases smoke, and after the smoke clears, they are gone.
Jimmy notices Raikou is left on the floor. Marina holds Little Miss, while Raikou stands up and attempts to leave. Jimmy goes after Raikou, claiming they can save it. Raikou, however, does not trust Jimmy and emits sparks, which hit Jimmy. Jimmy tries to help Raikou, who attacks, but the attack is countered by Typhlosion, who protects Jimmy. Typhlosion attacks, but Jimmy stops Typhlosion, since Raikou thinks they are its enemies. Jimmy approaches Raikou, claiming he won't hurt it. Raikou emits a lightning bolt, missing Jimmy, who is not afraid. Raikou looks Jimmy and falls down from exhaustion. At the Pokémon Center, Marina contacts Prof. Elm, who thinks Raikou may not heal properly if being inside the Pokémon Center. Marina thinks she should sing to Raikou, an idea which Elm approves of. Inside the Center, Jimmy watches as Raikou gets healed by Nurse Joy, even if Jimmy is worried.
Elsewhere, Attila is annoyed by the fact they were stopped by two twerps, since they could shoot out lightnings at their command. Hun doubts Attila, since she notices Raikou did still have some energy to fight back, considering it is a Legendary Pokémon. Attila proposes to strike Raikou harder next time, but Hun thinks they have to be smarter about it, by planting a trap. Jimmy watches Raikou and is visited by Marina, who thinks life is too short to gloom over. Marina gives Jimmy a drink, asking how Raikou is. Jimmy reports Raikou is asleep, though Marina is glad they saved it, as well as how awesome Jimmy and Typhlosion were looking. Suddenly, Eusine arrives, who looks Raikou and is fascinated *it* is here, before his eyes.
Marina knocks Jimmy away, finding Eusine cute and asking what is his name. Eusine, however, notices Officer Jenny and a man named Kudo, who have appeared. Kudo introduces himself as an archaeologist, while Eusine as a scientist, causing Marina to be fascinated by the latter. Eusine explains Raikou is a Legendary Pokémon, which wants to be free. However, this also causes men like Team Rocket to increase their interest in catching Raikou, for they believe they will control thunder itself. And it is the reason why Raikou does not trust humans, hence why it attacked Jimmy. Marina worries Jimmy might've been hurt, but Jimmy believes Raikou knows who its allies and enemies are. Officer Jenny believes Team Rocket wants to catch Raikou to take over the world. They all agree Raikou belongs to the wild and must not be captured by Team Rocket.
During the morning, Raikou wakes up, feeling recharged. Raikou emits electricity, which causes the window to crash and Jimmy to wake up. Jimmy notices Raikou is feeling much better, though Raikou attacks Jimmy. Others arrive and watch as Raikou blasts out a wall, trying to escape. Jimmy warns Raikou it is not fully recovered, but Marina notices the black clouds arriving. Eusine asks Jimmy and Marina to come with him into the car and orders Kudo to call Officer Jenny. While thunder is striking, Hun and Attila are waiting. Raikou appears and Hun claims they are its new masters. Raikou looks at the crystal and strikes with thunder. Hu sends Steelix. Raikou uses Thunder to attack Steelix, though the crystal redirects the electricity. Steelix uses Dig, hitting Raikou. Marina, Jimmy and Eusine arrive and seeing Raikou, Jimmy demands to know what they did to Raikou. Hun replies they softened it a bit before they can catch it.
Jimmy wants to know why they don't at least fight Raikou in a fair battle. Hun claims the goals of Team Rocket are much important than a minor battle. Jimmy claims it is wrong to hurt Raikou and misuse it. Attila replies they do what all Pokémon trainers do, angering Jimmy, since a proper trainer would treat with respect, intention to learn and with love to Pokémon. Jimmy promises to protect Raikou, amusing Hun and Attila, who promise to squish him. Raikou leaps and gets hit by the crystal's electricity. Steelix uses Rock Throw, which is to land on Jimmy and Marina. However, the rocks are being shattered by Solar Beam, as Jackson and Meganium have arrived. Meganium repeats the attack, though Steelix endures it and attacks, but misses Jackson and Meganium. Steelix uses Iron Tail, so Eusine goes to send a Pokémon, but gets hit by Rock Throw. Raikou is hurt by the crystal's electricity, wounding it badly. Attila activates the shield, causing the crystal to touch Raikou and hurt it badly. However, Jimmy's Typhlosion uses Flamethrower on the shell, displeasing Attila, who knows well the shell does not support other forms of energy. Little Miss uses Psybeam, pushing back the shell, along with Meganium's Solar Beam.
The shell collapses, knocking Raikou onto Marina. Hun takes Raikou and places it into the chamber and they soon retreat. Jimmy is frustrated Raikou has been captured, while Jackson claims Marina is gone. Hun and Attila are glad Raikou is captured, but notice they also got the girl as well. Marina yells, while Raikou emits electricity, though the walls are electric-proof. Instead, Raikou tackles the walls, so Marina claims they have to think through. Raikou, by accident, pushes off a piece of floor, revealing wires. Marina pulls them, which open the door. Hun and Attila immediately switch on the controls, which start closing the door. Raikou stands still, though Marina pushes it, claiming she will be fine. Raikou jumps, while the door closes, with Marina inside. Jackson panics, as Marina has been captured by Team Rocket. Jimmy shouts at Jackson to calm himself down, first. Jackson does so, but starts panicking again. Eusine, however, believes Team Rocket will do something nasty at Marina. Jimmy demands to do some action, quickly. Eusine calms him down, for that is the rule for rescue operations, though Jackson is still panicking. Jimmy has an idea and has Jackson call Marina through the Pokégear. Marina receives the call, but suddenly Attila takes the device and pushes Marina away. Attila grabs Little Miss, though Marina calls her in the Poké Ball. Jackson clarifies to Attila they will find them and defeat them properly. Attila shouts on the Pokégear, causing Jackson to faint, and logs off by smashing the device. Hun turns to Marina, preparing to intimidate her.
Eusine proposes to take the Pokégear, which will allow them to find the location where Marina called from. Elsewhere, Attila activates the crystal, ready to summon Raikou once more. Attila launches a signal to summon the black clouds, which terrifies Marina, who is tied up. Raikou, however, watches the clouds gathering. Jimmy, Jackson and Eusine take a car and also see the dark clouds. Attila detects the signal, but it is a Beedrill, who finds Marina and goes back. Eusine, Jimmy and Jackson arrive, whom Hun and Attila were expecting to be here. Seeing Marina tied up, Jackson becomes furious and is held by Jimmy, who orders him to calm down. They demand Marina and Raikou freed, but Eusine notices Raikou is not here, for they still have the crystal activated. Jimmy is certain Raikou will not come back, but Hun and Attila doubt him, for it is only a matter of time when Raikou comes here.
A thunder strikes the crystal, which emits electricity and strikes everything around. Attila tries to find Raikou, but another thunder strikes the crystal. Eusine deduces Raikou has re-gained its strength, allowing it to strike from a safe distance. A lightning strikes, knocking Marina down, but is rescued by Jimmy's Beedrill. Attila sends Skarmory, who uses Steel Wing, knocking Marina off Beedrill. Jackson trips over, causing Marina to fall on him. Jimmy comes to Marina, who thanks him for the rescue, as Jimmy unties her ropes. However, Jackson reminds them he cushioned Marina's fall. Hun sends Steelix, who uses Iron Tail, but Raikou appears and attacks Steelix. Jimmy and Marina ask Raikou to leave, as they can't protect it. Raikou, however, dodges the crystal's electricity and jumps, smashing Attila's machine, which causes the crystal to be inoperable. Skarmory uses Sky Attack, though Raikou pulls the machine's wires, causing the machine to explode and hit Skarmory.
With the machine exploded, the crystal does not function anymore. Eusine is fascinated, as Raikou was winning the battle from afar, yet it came close when it didn't had to. Jimmy believes Raikou wanted to protect them, since it had seen them as friends in need. Eusine wonders why Team Rocket has not retreated, since their plan is ruined. Raikou strikes with Thunder to attack Team Rocket, but the attack redirects onto the crystal. Hun and Attila explain the crystal is still active and has converted into an "auto-destruct" mode, causing it to sap Raikou's electricity from its own body. Jimmy orders Raikou to run, but Hun claims there is no way Raikou can flee, since it is tied to the crystal. Raikou is being binded, its electricity being absorbed, while Hun claims they rely on science and will triumph today as Hun and Attila will become legends.
Jimmy sends Typhlosion, along with Marina's Little Miss and Jackson's Meganium. Typhlosion uses Flamethrower, but the crystal protects itself with a shield. Jimmy claims they have to work together, but Eusine warns them that will cause a blast, which will destroy Raikou as well. Attila and Hun suggest not to overthink it, since they have no means to save Raikou. Eusine thinks there is a way: to open the crystal's field, take out Raikou and run before the crystal explodes, else nobody will come out alive. Jimmy has doubts, but Typhlosion is confident in winning over this crisis. Typhlosion, Meganium and Little Miss charge to free Raikou. Attila has Skarmory use Sky Attack, but is stopped by Typhlosion. Steelix uses Rock Throw, which hits Misdreavus and Little Miss. Eusine sends Alakazam, who uses Psybeam, which distracts Steelix.
Typhlosion uses Flame Wheel and Meganium Light Screen, hitting the crystal's field. Attila sends Muk, who uses Sludge Bomb on Meganium. Little Miss uses Psybeam on Muk, but gets hit by Skarmory, who dodges Alakazam's Psybeam. The crystal starts malfunctioning, so Eusine hopes Raikou endures a little longer to let the crystal's forcefield to disappear. Steelix uses Crunch, but misses its target. Attila asks the Pokémon will they rescue Raikou or their own trainers, but Jimmy and Jackson ask Typhlosion and Meganium to keep pressuring the field. Steelix goes to use Iron Tail, but is hit by Alakazam's Psybeam. Muk uses Sludge Bomb on Meganium and Skarmory attacks Typhlosion with Fury Attack. Steelix uses Iron Tail, attacking Little Miss and Alakazam, then goes after Jimmy, who is on the edge of a cliff. Steelix goes to use Crunch, but Jimmy taunts Steelix, claiming "it can't crunch a potato chip". Steelix strikes, but hits the ground, for Beedrill saves Jimmy. Steelix, however, damages the cliff and sinks down, into the river.
Attila and Hun are annoyed, so Skarmory and Muk go to finish off the "brats". However, they are attacked by Alakazam and Little Miss' Psybeam. Typhlosion and Meganium push the field and are about to destroy it. Steelix comes back and goes to use Crunch, but Jimmy, Marina and Jackson stand in its path. Raikou emits electricity, which pierces the field and hits Steelix. Raikou is freed, shocking Hun and Attila, since that was the top technology that was designed. Since the plan has failed, Hun and Attila retreat off. Raikou uses Thunder, crushing the crystal into pieces. Jimmy, Marina and Jackson thank Raikou for saving them. Raikou looks them and leaps off into the wilderness. Jimmy promises never to forget Raikou, and he and his friends cheer for the victory today.
- Typhlosion (Jimmy's)
- Jimmy's Beedrill
- Misdreavus (Marina's)
- Croconaw (Marina's)
- Lance's Dragonite (fantasy)
- Lance's Gyarados (fantasy)
- Furret
- Meganium (Vincent's)
- This special marks the first time that any characters based on game protagonists have appeared besides Ash, who is based on Red.
- This special has the longest time between the original airings in Japanese and English, taking three and a half years to air dubbed.
- Due to this, the character Vincent has been inconsistently renamed to Jackson in the English dub.
- This is the only movie-length anime special that hasn't aired in Finland.
- In one scene, Hun commands Skarmory to use Fury Attack, but Skarmory is Attila's Pokémon.
- When Raikou is put into the cargo hold, there is no sign of Marina, though she had been knocked down when Raikou collided with her after the bubble exploded.
- Attila incorrectly refers to multiple Caterpie as Caterpies.
- In the Hindi dub, Misdreavus was once mispronounced as "Misdrees."
- When Vincent's Meganium hits Steelix with Solar Beam, Hun implies that Grass types are ineffective against a Steel type like Steelix. This is not entirely true because Steelix's other type, Ground, is weak to Grass, and thus Steelix receives neutral damage from Grass-type attacks.
- Raikou's electric attacks worked on Steelix, even though Steelix is part Ground.
Dub differences[]
- All of the music is replaced, besides the three seconds of Jigglypuff's song.
- The character Hun, a male character in this episode, is female in the dub.
- The scene in which Shinji introduces himself and swaps Pokégear numbers with Jimmy is cut in the dub.
- In the Japanese dub, Hun tells Steelix to use Crunch. In the English dub, Hun tells Steelix to use Bite, a move it can't learn.
- ^ (n.d.) . "The Official Pokémon Website |". From The Legend of Thunder, Part 1 | Pokémon TV ( Archived from the original on November 8, 2023.
- ^ (n.d.) . "The Official Pokémon Website |". From The Legend of Thunder, Part 2 | Pokémon TV ( Archived from the original on November 8, 2023.
- ^ (n.d.) . "The Official Pokémon Website |". From The Legend of Thunder, Part 3 | Pokémon TV ( Archived from the original on November 8, 2023.
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