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Seven-colored Arch (Japanese七色(なないろ)アーチ, HepburnNanairo Aachi) is the third Japanese ending theme of the Best Wishes series.



TV Size[]

(あお)く ()(わた)るに (かがや)(ひとみ) さあ (むね)()れ (ある)きだせ (ゆめ)のはじまり

(よろこ)び (かな)しみを 明日(あした)への(ちから)にして

何度(なんど)でも 何度(なんど)でも ()ばたける (つよ)さを(しん)じて (えが)こう あの(そら)いっぱいに 七色(なないろ)アーチ

ゆっくりと 一歩(いっぽ)でも きっと景色(けしき)は ()わるはずさ さあ ()こう (きみ)未来(みらい)(にじ)()こうへ ♪

Full Version[]

(あお)く ()(わた)るに (かがや)(ひとみ) さあ (むね)()れ (ある)きだせ (ゆめ)のはじまり

(よろこ)び (かな)しみを 明日(あした)への(ちから)にして

何度(なんど)でも 何度(なんど)でも ()ばたける (つよ)さを(しん)じて (えが)こう あの(そら)いっぱいに 七色(なないろ)アーチ

雨上(あめあ)がり (かぜ)(はこ)ぶ (くさ)(つち)(にお)い 「()きてる」と (うた)っているよ 今日(きょう)がはじまる

大切(たいせつ)な (おも)()永遠(えいえん)に (わら)ってる

どこまでも どこまでも (つづ)(あお)(そら)を 見上(みあ)げて (すす)もう (だれ)よりも(まぶ)しく 七色(なないろ)アーチ

もし(きみ)が つまづいて (くじ)けそうになった(とき)でも 頑張(がんば)る その背中(せなか)をそっと (だれ)かが()ている

ゆっくりと 一歩(いっぽ)でも きっと景色(けしき)は ()わるはずさ

さあ ()こう いっぱいの「希望(きぼう)」と「(ゆめ)」を(かか)えて (きみ)未来(みらい)へ... (にじ)()こうへ ♪


TV Size[]

♪ The eyes sparkling with the cleared-up blue sky Come on, puff up your chest and take a big step forward. It's the beginning of a dream.

Turn your joys and sorrows into The power for tomorrow

No matter how many times, no matter how many times Just believe that we have the strength to flap up and fly Let's sketch together the seven-colored arch In that great sky

Even if we slowly take one step The scenery will indeed change Come on, let's go To your future To the other side of the rainbow ♪

Full Version[]

♪ The eyes sparkling with the cleared-up blue sky Come on, puff up your chest and take a big step forward. It's the beginning of a dream.

Turn your joys and sorrows into The power for tomorrow

No matter how many times, no matter how many times Just believe that we have the strength to flap up and fly Let's sketch together the seven-colored arch In that great sky

The scents of grass and earth carried upon the wind after the rain Are singing "I am alive". Today is beginning.

Precious memories will always Be smiling eternally

Look up to the blue sky That continues on endlessly, endlessly Head on, more dazzling than anyone The seven-colored arch

Even if you stumble Even when you are almost crushed Your back showing your perseverance Is being silently watched by someone

Even if we slowly take one step The scenery will indeed change

Come on, let's go Carry those dreams and wishes To your future To the other side of the rainbow ♪
