"Looking Out for Number Two!"
◄ PJ087 |PJ089 ►
Staff credits
脚本( きゃくほん ) (Screenplay)米村正二 (Shōji Yonemura) 絵( え ) コンテ (Storyboard)齋藤徳明 (Noriaki Saito) 助手( じょしゅ ) 監督( かんとく ) (Assistant director(s))又野弘道 (Hiromichi Matano) 作画( さくが ) 監督( かんとく ) (Animation director(s))新城真 (Makoto Shinjō) 升谷有希 (Yuki Masutani)
Ash's Pikachu ,
Ash's Lucario ,
Ash's Dracovish ,
Ash's Dragonite (video),
Goh's Rotom Phone ,
Goh's Mantyke ,
Goh's Dewgong ,
Goh's Inteleon ,
Goh's Chinchou ,
Goh's Grookey ,
Goh's Scizor (image),
Goh's Sharpedo (new),
Goh's Kingdra (new),
Drake's Shelgon ,
Quillon's Weavile ,
Danika's Rotom Phone ,
Danika's Azumarill ,
Feebas ,
Alomomola ,
Luvdisc (multiple),
Corsola ,
Corphish ,
Cloyster ,
Clamperl ,
Crawdaunt ,
Wailord ,
Huntail ,
Gorebyss ,
Seadra ,
Relicanth ,
Major event(s)
Ash and Goh visit Hoenn again Ash meets Drake again, while Goh meets him for the first time Goh's Inteleon reveals to have learned Liquidation Goh catches a Sharpedo and a Kingdra Goh tries and fails to catch a Luvdisc Goh's Mantyke reveals to have learned Ice Beam Goh completes his second Project Mew Trial Mission, earning himself a token in the process
South Korea
Title トライアルミッション! 深海( しんかい ) 潜水( せんすい ) 調査団( ちょうさだん ) !! Official Trial Mission! Shinkai Sensui Chousa-dan! Literal Toraiaru Misshon! Shinkai Sensui Chousa-dan! (Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!!) Airdate November 19, 2021
Title 트라이얼 미션! 심해( 深海 ) 잠수( 潛水 ) 조사단( 調査團 ) !! Official Trial Mission! Simhae Jamsu Josadan!! Literal Teuraieol Misyeon! Simhae Jamsu Josadan!! (Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!!) Airdate April 20, 2022
France and Quebec
Title Eerst de Een, Dan Nummer Twee! (First the One, Then Number Two!) Airdate(s) May 20, 2022
Spain and Hispanic America
Title(s) Uma Mão Lava a Outra! (One Hand Washes the Other!) Airdate(s) June 1, 2022
Looking Out for Number Two! (
Japanese : トライアルミッション!
深海( しんかい ) 潜水( せんすい ) 調査団( ちょうさだん ) !!,
Hepburn :
Trial Mission! Shinkai Sensui Chousa-dan! ,
trans. Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!!) is the 40th episode of
Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and
Pokémon Journeys: The Series of
Pokémon Journeys: The Series .
Synopsis [ ]
Goh has received his second trial mission for Project Mew: catch a wild Kingdra. In search of whirlpools that might be caused by the elusive Pokémon, our heroes travel to the waters off Slateport City in Hoenn, where they run into Drake of the region’s Elite Four. After asking Drake to help them dive deep enough to find a Kingdra, Goh and Ash first agree to help him search for sunken treasure—and they find an ancient submersible! Then, using Drake’s equipment, our heroes dive much deeper, encountering many wild Pokémon. And with the help of a Seadra, Goh catches a wild Kingdra and passes his second trial mission! [1]
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