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Three Fires Adventures

Magma Admins (Three Fires) in Pokémon Adventures.

A Magma Admin is an administrator of Team Magma. In Ruby, there are two admins, Tabitha and Courtney. In Emerald, only Tabitha is present. They serve as the commanders of Maxie. They use Fire-type and Dark-type Pokémon. In Ruby, Tabitha has 2 Numel (1 evolves into Camerupt for the second battle) and Poochyena (which evolves into Mightyena for the second battle). In Emerald, his team is the same, but now he added Zubat (which evolves into Golbat for the double battle with Maxie).

Trainer Sprites[]

Courtney in Ruby and Emerald

Tabitha in Ruby and Emerald
Courtney III

Tabitha III
Courtney in Omega Ruby

Tabitha in Omega Ruby
ORAS VSCourtney

Tabitha VS ORAS




First Battle (Mt. Chimney)[]
0322Numel RS 0261Poochyena RS 0322Numel RS
Numel Poochyena Numel
Second Battle (Magma Hideout)[]
0322Numel RS 0262Mightyena RS 0323Camerupt RS
Numel Mightyena Camerupt


First Battle (Weather Institute)[]
0322Numel RS 0262Mightyena RS
Numel Mightyena
Second Battle (Seafloor Cavern)[]
0323Camerupt RS 0262Mightyena RS
Camerupt Mightyena



First Battle (Mt. Chimney)[]
0322Numel E 0261Poochyena E 0322Numel E 0041Zubat E
Numel Poochyena Numel Zubat
Second Battle (Magma Hideout)[]
0322Numel E 0262Mightyena E 0041Zubat E 0323Camerupt E
Numel Mightyena Zubat Camerupt
Third Battle (Mossdeep Space Center)[]
0323Camerupt E 0262Mightyena E 0042Golbat E
Camerupt Mightyena Golbat

See also[]

Aqua Admin

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