This Primeape is a fighting-type Pokémon owned by Butch from Team Rocket.
The heroes discovered Butch and Cassidy's Pokémon theft operation, so Ash's Totodile and Misty's Staryu fought Butch's Primeape and Cassidy's Raticate. Raticate tackled Totodile, who used Bite in retaliation. Primeape joined the battle, and as it got struck by Staryu's Rapid Spin, it punched it with Dynamic Punch. The strong attack forced Misty to call Staryu back. Jessie and James joined in, the latter having Victreebel attack Raticate, striking it quickly with Stun Spore and Razor Leaf combo. Jessie sent Wobbuffet as well, who deflected Raticate's attack with Counter. However, Wobbuffet was defeated with Primeape's Outrage, and the attack struck James and Meowth, too. Raticate's Quick attack blasted Meowth, Jessie and James away. Butch and Cassidy turned to the heroes, who attempted to rescue the stolen Pokémon. Misty sent Poliwhirl to use Double Slap on Raticate, while Totodile used Bite on Primeape. To defeat them, Poliwhirl blasted them with Water Gun, whereas Pikachu's Thudnerbolt knocked them down.[1]
Known moves[]
Move | Type | First used |
Dynamic Punch | ![]() | GS041: The Fortune Hunters |
Thrash | ![]() | GS041: The Fortune Hunters |
Voice actors[]
- Michael Haigney (English)
On hand | |
Status unknown | |
Butch |