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Pokémon Wiki
For other variants of Hitmonchan belonging to Bruno, see Bruno's Hitmonchan.

This Hitmonchan is a fighting-type Pokémon owned by Bruno.


Bruno sent Hitmonchan against Red's Poli. Poli used Double Slap on Hitmonchan. Just as Poli went to repeat the attacks to win, Hitmonchan used Fire Punch and Thunder Punch, which defeated Poli.[1]

Bruno showed Hitmonchan as one of his Pokémon to Bill and Lt. Surge, pointing out he was the master of the martial arts.[2] Hitmonchan battled against Bill's Vulpix, who used Flamethrower on Hitmonchan. Lt. Surge's Electabuzz pushed Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee away, who retaliated with Comet Punch and Rolling Kick. The attacks pushed Vulpix and Electabuzz off the ground, who held onto the edge, causing them nearly to fall down in the acid lake.[3]

As Red arrived to battle Bruno once more, he sent Saur against Bruno's Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan used Fire Punch on Saur, followed by Thunder Punch. Red sent Vee, who dodged Hitmonchan's Ice Punch. Red threw the Fire Stone to Vee, who transformed into Flareon that burned Hitmonchan. As Hitmonchan went to retaliate, Vee transformed into Vaporeon, who soaked Hitmonchan instead. Bruno also sent Machamp to assist Hitmonchan, but both were later defeated by Vee (in Jolteon form) by its Pin Missile attack.[4]

Known moves[]

See also[]

