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Bond Bridge is a quaint bridge that holds areas to Three Island and Berry Forest.


Leaving the town of Three Island through its western entrance, Trainers can follow the path presented before them all the way up the small hill, or if they have a Pokémon with Cut on them, can take a shortcut. After finding some way to get around this obstacle, Trainers will walk across a beach to a small bridge across to an islet with the entrance to Berry Forest.



Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0016Pidgey Pokémon HOME Pidgey FR/LG 29-32 20%
0043Oddish Pokémon HOME Oddish FR 31 20%
0069Bellsprout Pokémon HOME Bellsprout LG 31 20%
0017Pidgeotto Pokémon HOME Pidgeotto FR/LG 34-40 15%
0044Gloom Pokémon HOME Gloom FR 36 10%
0070Weepinbell Pokémon HOME Weepinbell LG 36 10%
0052Meowth Pokémon HOME Meowth FR/LG 31 10%
0048Venonat Pokémon HOME Venonat FR/LG 34 5%
0053Persian Pokémon HOME Persian FR/LG 37-40 5%
0054Psyduck Pokémon HOME Psyduck FR 31 5%
0079Slowpoke Pokémon HOME Slowpoke LG 31 5%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0072Tentacool Pokémon HOME Tentacool FR/LG 5-40 95%
0073Tentacruel Pokémon HOME Tentacruel FR/LG 35-40 5%


Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Old Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0129Magikarp Pokémon HOME Magikarp FR/LG 5 100%

Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Good Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0116Horsea Pokémon HOME Horsea FR 5-15 80%
0098Krabby Pokémon HOME Krabby LG 5-15 80%
0129Magikarp Pokémon HOME Magikarp FR/LG 5-15 20%

Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Super Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0116Horsea Pokémon HOME Horsea FR 15-25 80%
0098Krabby Pokémon HOME Krabby LG 15-25 80%
0130Gyarados Pokémon HOME Gyarados FR/LG 15-25 15%
0117Seadra Pokémon HOME Seadra FR 25-35 4%
0099Kingler Pokémon HOME Kingler LG 25-35 4%
0054Psyduck Pokémon HOME Psyduck FR 25-35 1%
0079Slowpoke Pokémon HOME Slowpoke LG 25-35 1%


Twins Joy and Meg, Aroma Lady Violet, Tuber Alexis, Swimmer Tisha, Tuber Amira, Aroma Lady Nikki

Trainers' Pokémon[]


Language Name
English Bond Bridge
Spanish Puente Unión
Italian Ponte Abbraccio
French Pont du Lien
German Bundbrücke
Japanese きずなばし
Chinese 索桥
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