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Pokémon Wiki

These Beedrill are a group of Bug/Poison-type Pokémon that appeared in A Windswept Encounter!.


Beedrill were first seen with Breloom, who was collecting flowers to present it to Floette. When Noibat appeared and crashed into Breloom destroying the flowers in the process, they got enraged and surrounded him. They retreated along with Breloom when Ash & co. appeared at the site, and returned at Breloom's command, who was challenged by Noibat for a battle.

After Team Rocket captured Breloom and Floette in a net and took them away, they followed the heroes to help rescue them. They were defeated by James' Inkay, who used Psybeam to attack them. They were later seen with Breloom, who waved Floette farewell.

Known moves[]

None of Beedrill's moves are known.
