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Pokémon Wiki

This Hitmonchan is a fighting-type Pokémon owned by Anthony.


When Ash first saw Hitmonchan practicing in the road, he thought he was wild and sent in Pikachu to battle him. Pikachu was hesitant but Ash taught him a "special punching move". The move proved unsuccessful and only left a scratch. It was then that his trainer, Anthony, appeared and told Hitmonchan not to lower his guard. He then easily overwhelmed Pikachu with his speed and power. After defeating Pikachu, his trainer's daughter appeared and then they left to train some more.

Anthony later used him to compete in the P1 Grand Prix. He defeated a Machamp, but was later forced to forfeit to Giant's stolen Hitmonlee due to Meowth's use of glue to keep him in place on the ring, leaving him open to attacks.

Known moves[]
