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Plik:PBW December 1919.png

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Frontlines of the Polish-Bolshevik War in December of 1919
Post-war borders marked with black
Map prepared by Halibutt in GIMP.

The following is a list of maps created by Halibutt and uploaded to commons, as well as their present and projected derivatives.

Parent Image Image Description
  Maps by Halibutt
Image:Rzeczpospolita.png Image:Rzeczpospolita.png The Republic in 17th and 18th century
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1600.png The Republic after the Treaty of Dywilino
Image:Rzeczpospolita voivodships.png Voivodships of The Republic
Image:Rzeczpospolita_Potop.png The Republic during The Deluge and Chmielnicki Uprising, with major battles of the era marked
Magnates and their lands and domains
1st2nd3rd Partitions of Poland
War of the constitution
Image:Rzeczpospolita.xcf SOURCE FILE - GIMP format
Image:Poland 1939.png Image:Poland 1939.png Poland in 1939
Image:Dywizje wrzesien 1.png Order of Battle on September 1st, during the Polish Defence War of 1939
Image:Poland 1939.xcf SOURCE FILE - GIMP format
Image:Polska kontur bialy.png Image:Polska kontur bialy.png Contour map of Poland AD 1999, for use with various locator maps
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1923.png Image:Rzeczpospolita 1923.png Map of Poland 1918-1939, currently under development
Image:PBW March 1919.png Polish-Bolshevik War - fronts in March of 1919
Image:PBW December 1919.png Polish-Bolshevik War - fronts in December of 1919
Image:PBW June 1920.png Polish-Bolshevik War - fronts in July of 1920
Image:PBW August 1920.png Polish-Bolshevik War - fronts in August of 1920
Polish Defence War of 1939
Polish areas annexed by Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia and the Soviet Union
German concentration camps in Poland
Curzon line
Major battles of the Polish-Bolshevik War
namesno names Polish/Czechoslovak/Lithuanian/German/Ukrainian claims in 1920's
Image:Rzeczpospolita Central Lithuania.png Central Lithuania
Image:Rzeczpospolita Lithuania claims.png Central Lithuania as compared with other Lithuanian claims
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1789-1920.png Post-1922 borders compared with the territory of Poland before the partitions
Warsaw Uprising and the Operation Tempest
Poland partitioned between the Soviets and the Germans
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1939 Polish divisions.png Polish divisions on September 1, 1939
Home Army inspectorates
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1922.xcf SOURCE FILE - GIMP format
Image:Rzeczpospolita 1937.svg Vector version!!!! layered version available on request

Copyright notice: Image made by Halibutt and uploaded to Wikipedia by the author. Images can be made available for use under other copyleft licenses on a case by case basis via direct contact with the author. Under moral rights the user requires that this work be properly attributed to its creator. For photographs, this is traditionally done in the image caption. Where a copyright notice is present, using the copyright notice in the caption will be sufficient. Note that the GFDL requires that any copyright notices be included with the work even when making unmodified use of it.

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Map of poland in the events of the polish-soviet war (1919)

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Data i czasMiniaturaWymiaryUżytkownikOpis
aktualny22:31, 25 mar 2017Miniatura wersji z 22:31, 25 mar 20172000 × 1534 (337 KB)Bogomolov.PLwatermark removed
22:29, 25 mar 2017Miniatura wersji z 22:29, 25 mar 20172000 × 1534 (339 KB)Bogomolov.PLcorrected Volgograd >>> Voronezh
22:10, 6 mar 2010Miniatura wersji z 22:10, 6 mar 20102000 × 1534 (451 KB)Halibuttback to original colours
15:46, 24 lut 2010Miniatura wersji z 15:46, 24 lut 20102000 × 1534 (136 KB)DcoetzeeRemove watermark, pngcrush
14:20, 6 paź 2009Miniatura wersji z 14:20, 6 paź 20092000 × 1534 (212 KB)Blacklakehigh res
23:30, 8 kwi 2005Miniatura wersji z 23:30, 8 kwi 20052000 × 1534 (451 KB)Halibutt
16:50, 8 kwi 2005Miniatura wersji z 16:50, 8 kwi 20052000 × 1534 (342 KB)HalibuttFrontlines of the Polish-Bolshevik War in December of 1919<br> Post-war borders marked with black<br> Map prepared by Halibutt in GIMP.<br> {{User:Halibutt/GFDL}}<br>{{User:Halibutt/maps}}

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