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Plik:Emblem of Gojo, Nara.svg

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Rozmiar pierwotny (Plik SVG, nominalnie 187 × 180 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 2 KB)

日本語: 五條市章
English: Emblem of Gojo, Nara
Źródło 五條市章 1958年10月1日制定
  • mti
  • vectorization: Praca własna
(Ponowne użycie tego pliku)
Insignia Ta grafika przedstawia flagę, herb, pieczęć lub inne insygnia. Użycie takich symboli jest ograniczone w wielu krajach. Te ograniczenia są niezależne od praw autorskich.
Public domain According to Japanese Copyright Law (June 1, 2018 grant), the work is now in the public domain in Japan because the copyrights of the works in names of organizations, in Japan expire in 50 years after the publication, or in 50 years after the creation if the works are not published within 50 years after the creation (article 53).
To uploader: Please provide a name of organization and year of publication and source.

Note: The enforcement of the revised Copyright Act on December 30, 2018 extended the copyright term of works whose copyright was valid on that day to 70 years. Do not use this template for works published after 1967.

Please note that being in the public domain in Japan does not automatically mean that it is free as well in the United States. Find and add one of the PD US license tags in order to ensure that the file is free in the United States. Typically, for a published work to be in the public domain in the United States, it needs to be published before 1946, because of URAA-restored copyrights. Unpublished works need to satisfy {{PD-US-unpublished}}.

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Data i czasMiniaturaWymiaryUżytkownikOpis
aktualny15:38, 9 lut 2012Miniatura wersji z 15:38, 9 lut 2012187 × 180 (2 KB)Razorbliss{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Gojo Nara chapter}} {{ja|1=五條市章}} |Source =[ 五條市章] 1958年10月1日制定 |Author =*mti *vectorization: {{o

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